Happy New Year Friends,
I decided to start the year and enjoy the playoffs minus the Cowboys, with a Texas Brisket from my new Masterbuilt 40 electric smoker.
I started Friday night by purchasing a 12 lb brisket from HEB.
I leaned off a lot of the fat side, down to about 1/4".
I was so amazed with the use of mustard on my recent Pork Butt, I decided to rub the brisket down with mustard followed up with an Adkins packaged store rub. I wrapped it in plastic rap then into the fridge for 12 hours.
On Saturday morning, I heated my MES 40 to 225 degrees with water tray filled to mark and dry mesquite wood chips deployed.
I placed the brisket on and added smoke at approximately hour intervals for the first 6 hours. I opened the smoker at the 5 hour mark to remove some ribs I had also smoked.
I kept the brisket at 225 degrees for 9.5 hours then cut the heat on the smoker, but left the meat inside the smoker for another 1 hour. I then removed the brisket which displayed a fantastic bark and wrapped it in foil for another 2 hours then into the fridge.
This afternoon, I reheated it in the oven at 350 degrees which gave the house a "smokehouse" aroma!
The brisket was a little drier on the lean end than I prefer but the remaining 80% down to the cap was spectacular !
May I recommend them with buttered tortillas.
I decided to start the year and enjoy the playoffs minus the Cowboys, with a Texas Brisket from my new Masterbuilt 40 electric smoker.
I started Friday night by purchasing a 12 lb brisket from HEB.
I leaned off a lot of the fat side, down to about 1/4".
I was so amazed with the use of mustard on my recent Pork Butt, I decided to rub the brisket down with mustard followed up with an Adkins packaged store rub. I wrapped it in plastic rap then into the fridge for 12 hours.
On Saturday morning, I heated my MES 40 to 225 degrees with water tray filled to mark and dry mesquite wood chips deployed.
I placed the brisket on and added smoke at approximately hour intervals for the first 6 hours. I opened the smoker at the 5 hour mark to remove some ribs I had also smoked.
I kept the brisket at 225 degrees for 9.5 hours then cut the heat on the smoker, but left the meat inside the smoker for another 1 hour. I then removed the brisket which displayed a fantastic bark and wrapped it in foil for another 2 hours then into the fridge.
This afternoon, I reheated it in the oven at 350 degrees which gave the house a "smokehouse" aroma!
The brisket was a little drier on the lean end than I prefer but the remaining 80% down to the cap was spectacular !
May I recommend them with buttered tortillas.