I am working on a design for a charcoal basket for my Mini RF Build (http://www.smokingmeatforums.com/forum/thread/103584/mini-patio-rf-build#post_595770)
Doing a little research I came across charcoal maze's looks like a good idea to help control the burn. I also like the idea of just a regular basket. I don't really know what will work best and I don't really want to make two separate baskets so I had an idea to make a regular basked the main frame out of angle with expanded sheet metal in-between. Then make removable panels that slide in blocking the sides and have plates attached to convert it into a charcoal maze. I’ll be making the basket as big as I can that will still allow for good air flow in the fire box. The outside dimensions will be approximately 14-16” long 6” high and 8” wide.
The green and red panels will be removable to convert to a maze and block air flow from the side.
Any thoughts, comments, concerns, criticisms, critiques?
Anybody have any experience with Mazes in small side firebox smokers?
Doing a little research I came across charcoal maze's looks like a good idea to help control the burn. I also like the idea of just a regular basket. I don't really know what will work best and I don't really want to make two separate baskets so I had an idea to make a regular basked the main frame out of angle with expanded sheet metal in-between. Then make removable panels that slide in blocking the sides and have plates attached to convert it into a charcoal maze. I’ll be making the basket as big as I can that will still allow for good air flow in the fire box. The outside dimensions will be approximately 14-16” long 6” high and 8” wide.
The green and red panels will be removable to convert to a maze and block air flow from the side.
Any thoughts, comments, concerns, criticisms, critiques?
Anybody have any experience with Mazes in small side firebox smokers?