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Hi All, Got a fatty or two lined up for tomorow. Am going to use the rib rub or shoulder rub but was wondering if anyone uses a particular rub for a fatty. Maybe even inject it??? Thanks,
I have always used my favorite rub for my fatties. I like to stuff or plain and then I sauce at the end. Last weekend I just rolled in favorite rub then smoked with pecan and mesquite until 160. Then I took some left over bbq sauce mixed with 1/3 cup of pineapple jelly and some apple juice and simmered until jelly was well constituted in the mixture. Then I brushed it on several times during the last 15 to 20 min. Good eats!!
Injecting is a intriguing idea, what would you inject with.
That sounds goooooood!!!, never sauced mine gonna try it with your pinapple jelly sauce(love pineapple), heck think I might try it as a glaze next time I do some ribs...can I find that with th regular jams and jellies?
Ribs and chickens both will be a whole new adventure. I find mine in the regular jelly section. If I could fine where I put my jalapeño jelly I would add a little of that with the pineapple to make an incredible mix. Let me tell you the ribs look fantastic with the sheen of a light jelly mix.
A sauced fatty or ribs does sound great. As for injecting, I have some leftover Tony C's roasted garlic and herb from last week's smoke. Maybe I can inject the fatty real slowly and try to keep the stuff off of the ceiling!!!!
lol....yeah roasted garlic sauce doesn't due a thing for sheet rock... but it does sound interesting injected into a fatty...let us know how it comes out!!