Eye Round The Wrong Way
I know, This was Dumb, but I had to try it!!
I guess I got so Cocky, I thought my Ninja could do anything.
Well I’m here to tell you it can’t make a Tender Eye Round all on it’s own.
That takes a Sous Vide!! Next time I’m going Sous Vide on Eye Round, and finish in the Ninja!
This thing tasted awesome, and was very edible when sliced thin.
It would have made Great Sammies if I used my auto-slicer to slice it paper thin.
Then when I reheated some for sammies, I just chopped it up & that was good too.
Oh Well, You don’t know for sure, unless you try!
About a Half of an Eye Round:
Cross-hatch cut for seasoning penetration:
Seasoned & Smart Probe inserted:
Just started, with target Temp set at 120°, and current IT of 45°:
Ninja stopped, and 42 seconds of the 5 minutes rested so far:
Ready for slicing:
Sliced enough for Supper:
Bear's first supper of Roast Beef, Mashed Taters with Beef Gravy, and mixed Veggies:
Second Night---Chopped Roast Beef with Horseradish Sauce, topped with Melted Provolone: