Not sure if this is the right place to to post, but then again I'm not right...
I've been looking at dry curing for a while now and just don't have the space for a proper setup. Then I discovered UMAi bags!
I started curing some Pancetta and Cappicola a couple of weeks ago, thinking I would do it in the fridge. Then yesterday at Target this just jumped out at me! ($89)
Not very big but just my size.
See you late November or so [emoji]9786[/emoji]️
I've been looking at dry curing for a while now and just don't have the space for a proper setup. Then I discovered UMAi bags!
I started curing some Pancetta and Cappicola a couple of weeks ago, thinking I would do it in the fridge. Then yesterday at Target this just jumped out at me! ($89)
Not very big but just my size.
See you late November or so [emoji]9786[/emoji]️