Disaster Relief Dinner: Blackened Filet Mignon (Lotsa Pics @ Lotsa Dialog)

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tx smoker

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Apr 14, 2013
Lago Vista, Texas
As some of you know, we got absolutely devastated in the ice storm a month or so ago. We knew we were facing long and difficult task of getting it all cleaned up. Right after we got started cutting the broken stuff down and cutting it up, we realized what a HUGE ordeal we were facing. No sooner did we get started and a little guy who could barely speak English stopped and asked us if we wanted him to do the clean up for us. We had nothing to lose by having him give us a price for it. Either the guy was out of his mind or he thought we were but he quoted us a cost of just over $60,000 (that is not a typo). Nope, not gonna do that!! We are not lazy people and have always done everything around the house ourselves and we were resigned to making it happen without outside help. Tracy tossed up the idea of getting a chipper to run all the stuff through so we wouldn't need to find a place to all of dump it. That would save a whole bunch of time so the quest started. She found a gas powered stand-alone unit that would have helped but the more I thought about it, I didn't like the idea. It'd be a nightmare dragging that thing up and down the hills all over the property so I started digging deeper and found some commercial grade units that would connect to the 3-point PTO on the back of my tractor. Found one I liked and ordered it. While we were waiting for it to be delivered, we went ahead with getting most of the stuff down and cut up. When the chipper finally arrived I was excited to get it hooked up and running. Upon unpacking it I almost felt like I'd bought the thing from Ikea: some assembly required. The difference is that Ikea provides assembly instructions. This thing had NONE!! It was total guess work, trial and error figuring out how it all went together. Finally got it all done, hooked to the tractor, and realized that the driveline was way too long. The PTO wouldn't connect to the chipper so I had to take it off, measure everything out, and cut the driveline down considerably to get the thing to connect. Needless to say, it was a few days before the chipper was operational but finally got it up and running. Up and at 'em early Saturday morning to get the chipping started. Wow...what a ton of work but we made good progress. Finally shut operations down about 3:00 and we were both totally exhausted. I hurt in places I didn't even know existed but after a day like this, I want a decent dinner. Went to the freezer and some filets jumped out at me. Got them out to defrost and it was game on!!

The chipper assembled and connected to the tractor. A few pics.




Now to dinner....finally. The steaks: just over 1 1/2 pounds total.

Out of the packages. These are some pretty little steaks.

Seasoned up with a little kosher salt and a nice dose of my dirt rub.

Some orzo in a pan with beef broth and a dollop of BTB beef base.

Fresh green beans cut up and into the steamer with some bacon.

Cut up a bunch of onions and into a pan with butter, garlic, black pepper, and another dollop of BTB beef base.

Lightly cook the onions till they just start to soften up.

Add a couple teaspoons of flour, mix, and add about 3/4 cup of beef broth. I'm just looking to make a sauce for the onions, not a full-blown gravy.

Steaks on the grill. I'd have preferred to use the hybrid Santa Maria but was just too tired to mess with it so took the easy route.

Steaks done and in the house to get happy.

Dinner all plated up.

Cut shot. Looking pretty good so far.

And the obligatory close-up.

As sad as it is to admit ladies and gentlemen, I've come to the conclusion that I'm not 25 and bullet proof any more. Deserving or not, we worked hard for this meal and certainly did enjoy it. These steaks are just crazy good. So tender, so juicy, and absolutely delicious. We still have along road ahead of us but it sure was nice sitting down to a good dinner after a day like we had. I gotta say though, the onions made a fantastic addition to the meat. They just brought another whole dimension to the flavor profile of the meat / seasoning combination. I've done them a few times recently and just love what they bring to the table...so to speak :emoji_wink:

Oh well, gonna call this a wrap and let y'all get back to your regularly scheduled program. Thanks for looking and I'll see everybody soon.

Great looking meal and well-earned! $60k for an ice storm clean up?! Seems like you could completely clear 30 acres for that price
I agree. The thing is that we live in a pretty nice community and most people are not capable or equipped to clean up a mess like this. The unscrupulous come in and put a huge price tag on things because they think they can and people will pay, no matter what it costs. It's gouging, plain and simple.

I feel ya on the soreness Robert! Been doing a barn tear down all month and finally finished yesterday. Whipping me into shape for sure! Nice chipper...that will come in real handy on the clean up! Excellent meal too my friend!
I agree. The thing is that we live in a pretty nice community and most people are not capable or equipped to clean up a mess like this. The unscrupulous come in and put a huge price tag on things because they think they can and people will pay, no matter what it costs. It's gouging, plain and simple.

Hell Robert...I'll travel and do it for $40k! <sarc...kidding>
60k is insane! Use to the monumental task of clean up from hurricanes. Never look forward to it....always a long road to hold. Mud clean up is the WORST though. Have to get that out with a shovel and a wheel barrel....and it gets EVERYWHERE! Even between the wall...
The unscrupulous come in and put a huge price tag on things because they think they can and people will pay, no matter what it costs.
Yep. We had a 2nd home in a retirement community. Anything we had done in our primary house cost us twice as much as what we’d get at the 2nd house.
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Dinner all plated up.
I'm on the way, any leftovers?? :emoji_stuck_out_tongue::emoji_laughing:
As sad as it is to admit ladies and gentlemen, I've come to the conclusion that I'm not 25 and bullet proof any more.
AMEN, buddy!! Since this last shoulder surgery, I've had the same thing reinforced in me...AGAIN! I've also come to the conclusion that I'm going to have to live with shoulder pain for the rest of my life, but it is what it is.

Excellent meal, my friend and I'm glad that you're getting y'all's life and yard back in order from the storm...
Hell of a good looking meal Robert! Steak is beautiful. Good luck with the clean up my friend. Don't rush it. Slow and steady wins the cup!
Beautiful steak Robert! And a hell of a chipper too. Is that the tractor that has the 21.5 HP Kawaski engine in it? That thing is a beast.
A great lookin' meal Robert, you nailed that steak as usual! Goes without saying you want to be real careful with that new tool, just when you think nothing else can go wrong, something usually does. Be alert, the world needs more lerts! RAY
Perfect cook on that beef . Love me some green beans and bacon too .
Nice work as usual .
Awesome there Bud I even come help for a meal like that. Although I'm well over 25 and getting more limited to what I do every day.

Looks like a very good well deserved meal. Hopefully you can take your time doing the clean up and not have to work so hard for so long. Is that a Kubota tractor?
That sounds like like some back breaking work. We had 80 mph winds come through Sunday night. Man my car looks like it been in a sand storm. You have those steaks down! Perfect every time. The onions where a great idea. I got doc tomorrow. Check BS yesterday and was fairly high but think it was the stress I hope. Diabetes sucks!
Very cool looking chipper Robert!
We could use one after every hurricane!
You sure deserved a nice meal after all that work & those steaks look amazing. Can you post the recipe for your rub, it looks peppery & spicy, maybe some coffee too?
I agree. The thing is that we live in a pretty nice community and most people are not capable or equipped to clean up a mess like this. The unscrupulous come in and put a huge price tag on things because they think they can and people will pay, no matter what it costs. It's gouging, plain and simple.

This happens to my parents a lot too. They live in a very nice neighborhood and pay a "rich tax" as many people are unwilling to do the work themselves and ignorant on what it takes. My parents are not nearly as wealthy as many of their neighbors, and my dad is an impeccable DIYer (you should see the basement he did). The quotes he gets on some work are ridiculous. Magically when he calls out the BS and walks through how much work and materials are involved and they're crazy for quoting that price, the price comes down to a more reasonable level...
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Well with that chipper you can make your own mulch!!!
That meal looks excellent and kudos on putting it together after a hard day of work! I'd been ordering pizza.

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A great looking and well deserved meal Robert. Those steaks are nothing short of perfection.

I think the next time someone quotes you 60k, show him the woodchipper and say that’s where the last guy who quoted me an insane amount went!
  • Haha
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Man if I didn’t have ties in my area I’d just come do ice clean up for you at 50% discount!! What an insane quote. Steak looks awesome as usual!!
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