I don't envy you Jerry. With all the property you have, it could be a never ending task you have on your hands.Robert I know about having to stare at the mess all over the property I do it everyday as I haven't gotten ours to where I want it.
I've had mine about 6 years now and absolutely love it. We've done more with that tractor than we would have ever done without it and it's been bullet proof. Being that you have a lot more property to deal with, I can absolutely see the need for a larger unit. We have 4 acres so this one is fine for what we need. I got it with the 1/2 yard loader bucket and the 54" mid-mount EZ Over mower deck. Then of course we added the chipper. Lots of attachments available for those tractors.I just bought a Kubota myself however it is slightly larger lol