I've been busier than a one eyed Tomcat watching 2 mouse holes. For real, Lucile.
So after a long hiatus due to a work project I finally got a little time at home and damn if my Yoder wasn't just filthy and needing some much needed love (and deep cleaning) so in I went. These cookers get filthy after about a ton of pellets but I got the new upgraded igniter installed & after a deep scrape and clean out I replaced the door seal. BOOM! mic drop and ready for burn in.
After a good hour of high temp I backed the temp down to 240 and prepped the baby back ribs for the 1st burn in cook. Pellets were a 2/1 combo of Lumberjack Hickory/Cherry (Love this combo I mix myself) and a generous coat of Killer Hogs rub. Hourly (after the 1st our) I mopped them with Stubbs mopping' sauce (I love this stuff!) After about 4 hours I wrapped them in foil just because I was hungry and ready to finish them off ..... About 45 minutes after the foil wrap they're at 202˚ so I pulled them out of the Yoder and gave them about a 30 minute rest.
Amazing baby back ribs ....... enjoy the pics!
Fat boy's still got it :)
So after a long hiatus due to a work project I finally got a little time at home and damn if my Yoder wasn't just filthy and needing some much needed love (and deep cleaning) so in I went. These cookers get filthy after about a ton of pellets but I got the new upgraded igniter installed & after a deep scrape and clean out I replaced the door seal. BOOM! mic drop and ready for burn in.
After a good hour of high temp I backed the temp down to 240 and prepped the baby back ribs for the 1st burn in cook. Pellets were a 2/1 combo of Lumberjack Hickory/Cherry (Love this combo I mix myself) and a generous coat of Killer Hogs rub. Hourly (after the 1st our) I mopped them with Stubbs mopping' sauce (I love this stuff!) After about 4 hours I wrapped them in foil just because I was hungry and ready to finish them off ..... About 45 minutes after the foil wrap they're at 202˚ so I pulled them out of the Yoder and gave them about a 30 minute rest.
Amazing baby back ribs ....... enjoy the pics!
Fat boy's still got it :)