Hey all, after searching for brick smoker builds and finding that they all pretty much lead back to this forum, I figured I should just start at the source with my questions!
I'm interested in building an offset vertical brick smoker, very similar in design and concept to steveaggie's build. It looks like he has not posted on the forum in about 4 years, so I'm thinking I might be out of luck asking him questions, but here's what I'm pondering in my early planning stages:
I would love to hear peoples' thoughts, especially if anyone has personal experience building a reverse flow vertical smoker and/or has tried cooking pizzas in a brick smoker with reasonable success. Thanks everyone!
I'm interested in building an offset vertical brick smoker, very similar in design and concept to steveaggie's build. It looks like he has not posted on the forum in about 4 years, so I'm thinking I might be out of luck asking him questions, but here's what I'm pondering in my early planning stages:
- I've seen some vertical smoker builds where people have noted they have problems with too much heat on the bottom racks compared to the top. This seems to be mitigated somewhat by making the firebox offset instead of underneath the cooking chamber. I'm wondering though- has anyone added a metal baffle to make it like a vertical reverse flow setup? Or is that overkill, and the offset firebox is pretty much enough to balance out the heat differences?
- I love smoking with charcoal, and want to get into stick burning too, but I also have a young child and another on the way, so my free time is precious and limited. I am considering adding a pellet hopper assembly on the other side from the firebox, underneath the baffle plate (so it could work as a heat diffuser and block the racks of meat from its direct heat) so I can either smoke for a few hours with charcoal or wood, then switch to pellets, or just start with pellets if I'm really pressed for time and want to get a long smoke in with minimal input. Does that sound reasonable? It seems like vertical pellet smokers and charcoal smokers are built fairly similarly, and I have seen some commercial smokers that have both the offset firebox and pellet hopper, so it doesn't seem like it's completely unheard of. Here is a very rough sketch, not to scale at all, just a basic visual of the concept:
- Lastly, I love grilling pizzas, and would love to have a pizza oven as well. It doesn't need to be like the 100% most optimal, amazing pizza oven, just good enough to make some pretty solid pizzas consistently. My thought is that if I allow space in the cooking chamber to slide in a pizza stone with space behind it for air to flow up, and then put a solid steel plate or stone below to build a wood fire, I could turn the cooking chamber into a rough sort of pizza oven. I figure if I put two doors in the cooking chamber, I could leave the bottom one closed to keep the fire warm, and only open the top one to slide the pizzas in and out. Kind of like this (view from the side)
I would love to hear peoples' thoughts, especially if anyone has personal experience building a reverse flow vertical smoker and/or has tried cooking pizzas in a brick smoker with reasonable success. Thanks everyone!