Maybe I did wrong?Ate every bit of them burgers after even Food Saver, fried in pan .Still here! All below 40*. TELL ME WHAT!
Nah, as long as you handled the meat properly your ok. Keep it in the food safe temp zones, cook to minimum 180F and proper sanitization, as long as the meat did not have any E.coli or salmonella you'll be ok.
I've been in the food processing industry for my whole life, literally and I think I better share some insight for those not understanding the actual risks. Ive been required to take more food safe handling and processing courses than I can count.
Botulism isn't an issue with meat, that is a concern when canning foods and smoking some fish, some will say cured pork or ham as well, but I disagree (though best played safe). Raw unpasteurized honey is a concern as well as corn syrup, but they are very rare cases in those foods. It is recommended that children under 2 not be given raw unpasteurized honey due to the risk, pasteurized is fine however. Botulism is actually very rare. Most cases are from home canned veggies that are low in acid and are not properly canned under steam pressure using a pressure cooker for several minutes. The spores of Clostridium botulinum are what create the potentially deadly toxin and are found in the soil and contaminated drinking water.
E.Coli and Salmonella are the 2 main food borne illness bacteria you need to be the most aware and cautious of.
Both are due to contamination from fecal matter, poop on your food. Both have caused alarm in recent years with more reported cases due to contaminated fruits and vegetable than in meat products. Both are natural bacteria in the intestines of cows, chicken and pigs. Spraying manure in the fields creates a high risk of their product going to market and being contaminated with either bacteria. We saw this happen with cucumbers in Europe, tomatoes and romaine lettuce in North America in the last few years and are just a few cases of the many. Meat is less likely to give you food poisoning than a salad. Rinsing contaminated lettuce doesn't do the trick either. The E.coli and Salmonella don't rinse off under the tap, they must be washed thoroughly.
Parasites are almost unheard of in North America now. Possibly from travelling abroad you may be exposed, but not at home.
There are several others to be aware of such as Campylobacter Enteritis, Clostridium Perfringens and Listeriosis. Though these are all bacteria to be aware of there is little chance you will be effected by them.
Use fresh meat from a trusted source, follow proper sanitization procedures when handling and storing and you will be fine. Do not use store bought ground or minced meat to make sausage unless you are cooking and eating right away. Only cook fresh ground meat to temps under 180F if you know and trust the source and best if you grind the meat then cook.
Remember, if its full muscle only the outside is effected but when you mince or grind meat it mixes everything together and multiplies, like rabbits on Cialis at an orgy, throughout the entire blend making for the perfect shit storm, pardon the food poisoning pun.