Could you be a bit more specific about what you mean by "cold smoke"? Do you mean heating completely element OFF with your cooler evening temps? What are they? "Cold" could be a relative term when it comes to smoking bacon...
Something to consider is that the meat will take the smoke best in the 100'- to 140' and can shorten the smoking period. However some fat will start to render in those temperatures. Don't hold this as the final rule in the definition of "cold smoking" bacon, but this should give you an idea:
- With no heat (<100') typically will go from 8 up to 36 hours of smoke the whole time. All a matter of personal preference and taste (and type of wood)
- With 100' smoke you can do 2X- 12 hour smokes with a rest in the refrigerator in-between.
- With the smoker at 125'-130 8-12 hours
- Another method is to start "cold" and gradually increase the smoker temp until the desired color is obtained.
Me personally, I liked the 100' smoke for 2x 12 hour sessions (2 Amazens worth) with pecan out of all that I have done. I haven't done Corn Cobb yet, but that's about to change this week for me!