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I am new to this site, but I have a question. I would like to know if you can insulate a smoke house with styrofoam. The one I am building is 3 foot by 4 foot,6 foot high. Or is it not needed. I am looking to hot and cold smoke. I live in WI.
Styrofoam is not a good idea for insulation, my smoke house isn't insulated and I'm happy with the time it takes to do my meats, I mostly do sausage in it and have done some poultry. The hottest I have ttaken it to was 225 . Anything hotter I will just put in my RF or my electric
IME insulation is not needed. The hottest I've taken mine is 240. But if you really want to insulate, you can use ceramic fiber blanket that's used in wood fired pizza ovens.
You got your answer. Styrofoam melts at a lower temp and not a good insulator for a smokehouse build. So, I'll just welcome you to the forum! Post some photos of your build if you can Im sure we would all love to see it!
Hello and welcome from East Texas. This is a great site, lots of information and great people that are willing to throw in their two cents worth on about anything. [/h1][h1] [/h1][h1]Gary[/h1]