11 seconds into the video sure looks like a gravity smoker
Correction..the video at the cookoutnews link is clearer. Looks like it could be a standard pellet feed underneath that firebox, which is not tall enough to be a gravity machine fueled solely by what's in the firebox. So I'm with Tinydawg...there's a pellet crucible to start the firebox (ease of use) and then the firebox retracts (?) to a position that just provides smoke flavor while the bulk of the heat then comes from the pellet crucible, working like a conventional pellet grill, which suffer from complaints they don't provide the flavor of an offset
Could be a winner, if the air flow is managed so the firebox stays lit and one can still easily add wood chunks to it. I'm thinking I can maybe adapt something like that to my pellet grill. Now, I'll use the crucible to start a charcoal basket, and then turn off the pellets. This is just a matter of putting a firebox and a heat diffuser on the same sliding rod and move the firebox out of the way and the diffuser over the crucible. Like the sliding searing features they've been adding to pellet grills.