I have been smoking now for a year and believe I have my brisket and prok sholders down to an art (or so im told). Of course when there is anything on TV about brisket I usually sit glued to the television. It seems everyone on TV smokes for anywhere from 8-12 hours for "perfect" results. My issue is that I cook for 20-22 hours on average to meat perfection.
My last brisket was a 15lb brisket carved into two peices (too big for smoker). I smoke at 230-240F for about 16 hours and then cut the smoke and cooked another 6 hours. Even then when I take the brisket off its only hovering in the mid 180's for internal temp. Even with all of this time I still do not conisder this to be a brisket to be chopped but rather sliced.
Ususally at 12 hours the brisket is still under 160F. Just doesnt seem to be done?
Although I have no plans to "fix what ain't broke". What are your thoughts.
PS planning on doing a brisket this weekend. There is a foot of snow against the door of the smoker shed I built to house my smoker. God I love smoking!!!!
My last brisket was a 15lb brisket carved into two peices (too big for smoker). I smoke at 230-240F for about 16 hours and then cut the smoke and cooked another 6 hours. Even then when I take the brisket off its only hovering in the mid 180's for internal temp. Even with all of this time I still do not conisder this to be a brisket to be chopped but rather sliced.
Ususally at 12 hours the brisket is still under 160F. Just doesnt seem to be done?
Although I have no plans to "fix what ain't broke". What are your thoughts.
PS planning on doing a brisket this weekend. There is a foot of snow against the door of the smoker shed I built to house my smoker. God I love smoking!!!!