Those do look great!
I'm going to be doing the same exact thing this coming Saturday:
Making a 'salami' that is halfway between summer and salami.
My recipe is very similar, but I might add a couple of your ingredients.
I'll be adding a bit of 'encapsulated citric acid' to get the tang instead
of buttermilk.
You probably know about this, but in case you don't, here is a
little 'trick' we do when we make our summer/salami (I make
about 100# a year of summer/salami; usually 2 different 50# batches).
I usually buy 2.5"x20" or 2.5"x24" casings.
Members of my family did not want to take a whole 20" or 24" stick
out of the freezer and thaw it out. Plus when giving samples away
to friends and rellies, a whole stick was giving away too much and
it didn't look good to give them a cut stick (seemed like it was 'used').
SO now when we make summer/salami, we make 2 chubs from each casing.
I don't like using the 10" or 12" casings because they waste space in the smoker
and 2 10" chub casings costs more than 1 20" casing.
With the 20" casing, you get two 1# chubs. With the 24" casing, you get
two 1.25# chubs.
It's easy to make 2 chubs from one casing:
When stuffing the casing, stop stuffing when there is about 4" of casing left.
Twist that end and tie it off tight with string;
Pinch the middle a bit by wrapping thumb and forefinger around it, and then
twist each end in opposite dirs. The casing will cinch at the pinch point.
Have someone tie a string there and you have 2 chubs.
It does take some experience to figure out exactly how much casing to
leave unstuffed without leaving TOO much unstuffed. 4" is about right tho...
When you cut the chubs apart after smoking, the string comes off easy
and the casing stays 'stuck' 99% closed.