where y'all been all my life.... i'm a bbq conniseur(thats an eatin' man fer ya cookin' folk),been doing caterings for about 15 yrs.,cooking on offshore oilfield boats & commercial fishing boats for over 25(yeah the age- we own vessels-was my job to cook from age 13 & my grammy was 1 of the best), a texas native now living in the driest part of kentucky(blew my mind too). about to get really serious in state & national competitions & festivals, i am also a music writer & performer(mostly blues & rock/countrifried texas chili music), and a charter gulf of mexico big game fisherman. glad to be a part of what seems a great family around here. i will post some forums & recipes..and also working on a distributorship for what i consider to be the best spices in the country, just don't ask for my secret recipes- the dog would kill me lol. anyway, happy to be here. p.s. the only thing i use sauce on is maybe pork ribs or chicken & thats a recipe i swam back from hawaii with.i only use wood & maybe charcoal. hank hill may be the propane king but he ain't from my town & ain't welcome @ my house lol (it's a jk.) p.s.s. no beans in yer chili......