another "damn yankee"

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Original poster
Feb 11, 2006
San Antonio, Texas
I was told when I moved to Texas (from Southern Jersey) 5 1/2 years ago that the difference between a yankee and a damn yankee is that the yankee goes back home.
Fell in love with Mexican food, Tex-Mex, and of course BBQ. Ate at Rudys BBQ almost non stop once I discovered it, and then thought I could do this... Bought a Brinkmann and made quite a few mods. - legs bent so the pan would drop out, with another pan attached upside down with vent holes that can open and close was what I think is the most original - the rest of the mods I read on the internet BBQ list. Was on that forum for quite a while, but it seems some people on that forum like to mouth off more than they like to smoke food.
Been luring here for a couple of weeks, and it seems very pleasent and informative.
Did a boneless prime rib today and followed the Cuba Libre Mop directions posted by ranger
Came out awesome, the only change would be next time go to about 140 degrees as my wife likes is a little less rare than it came out, but we ate the outside half, and will reheat the center Tues night for dinner as leftovers.
Also had a fatty on there (learned from this site), and the BBQ cabbage that I found in a book, and on New Braunfels smoker site - truly good stuff.
2-kewl - Alamo City Gypsy M/C
2kewl, Glad that you decided to become a member of our happy smokin' family. As you'll soon discover (if you haven't already) there are some awesome recipes to be found here. And there is a ton of expecience here that can be tapped into if you run into a problem or have a question about smoking foods.

You say that you've been in Texas for 5 1/2 years. I think after you've been there for 7 years you can apply for TEXAS Resident status. :P

Welcome to our little slice of Heaven! I know the site you are talking about (without mentioning names) and their members are dropping off like flies! Fortunate for us, some of the "Good" members have found us by word of mouth, and have added to our consortium of knowlegable staff, pit masters and awesome home quers!

I think you be very comfortable here!

howdy 2kewl,

like brother earl and soflaquer i too wish you a warm welcome, and a glad you found us.

i to am a damn yankee, transplanted in dallas june 6th 2000 from columbus, oh. been loving it ever since, had a few good chances to go back home but stuck it out and now im glad i did.

had it not been for texas i probably would never had discovered the art of smoking.

i was thinking of doing a prime rib one day myself, maby thats the first thing ill try when i get my new smoker. i love prime rib in the resturantes it can only be better at home. you say you used a mop, now thats something i have never done, do you think it would be good with out it or is it a must?

any way cant wait to read some of your recipes

see you later and welcome
Let me also add my welcome to you. Glad to have you aboard and I feel certain that the longer you stay active, the more you will appreciate the knowledge and comoraderie. Welcome aboard and be sure to let us here from you soon.
Thanks for the warm welcomes!
Buzzard - I hadn't really played much with mops either, but followed the directions that I found here. Having never done a prime rib any other way, can't really say I would be able to tell ya what the difference is, but the meat sure did turn out well!
Wasn't hard, and as I was playin with a new Christmas toy (Maverick remote thermoter), I didn't mind poppin the top off after a couple of hours to brush on the mop.
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