Didn't want to hijack the other thread and my requirements are a little different. Last fall was the first time I have cooked for our local blacksmith club 2 day workshop. It turned out real good (with help from several of you here) and I've been tagged again for our spring 2 day event next month. Last time I did PP one day and smoked hot dogs the next. Kinda don't want to do the same thing again. Also I just got the Blackstone 28". There will be somewhere around 25 guys + or - no head count yet. I was thinking smash burgers (which I haven't done yet) for one day and fried rice on the discada the next (again limited experience with fried rice). This needs to be a one styrofoam plate or handheld simple meal. My tools available list is below. Open to suggestions from the more experienced. Things I could smoke the day before and just warm up on the disc, griddle or kettle would be great. The less time I spend cooking at the event means I get to see more of the program. Also considering a low country boil like Frogmore stew for one of the days. Club president wants fried bologna sandwiches, how could I pull that off and make it special, smoke the bologna ahead?