Another 50th Anniversary

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Gone but not forgotten RIP
Original poster
OTBS Member
Group Lead
Sep 12, 2009
Macungie, PA
Another 50th Anniversary

Yesterday was the 50th Anniversary of one of the Best Days of My Life.
My “ETS” was May 15, 1971. For those without a Military Background, “ETS” means “Enlisted Time Served”.
That Means You’re getting Out of The Army on that Day!!!

So Mrs Bear & I left Ft Hood, Texas at about 7 AM, in our 1969 Coronet 500 Dodge, and began our 1735 mile trip to Quakertown, PA.
We stopped in Texas for Breakfast, and we stopped to buy a Revolver, while we could still get one for a good price.
Then we resumed our trip, stopping only for Gas, and to eat, and a couple of times for Coffee To Go.

The whole trip took us 23.5 hours. I left Mrs Bear drive for about an hour, and she wasn’t used to Power Steering. After banging my head on the passenger side window enough times, I told her to pull over, because I could sleep a lot better when I’m driving than when she was driving. LOL

So this day fits right in with My other “Best Days”, like:
The Day we got married——December 27, 1968.
The Day our Son was born——January 31, 1972.
The Day I left Vietnam——August 19, 1969.

I don’t rank them in order, because they were all #1 in My Book.

Glad to still be around to tell you all about it,

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Congrats Bear, that’s an impressive top three! Oh and as always thank you for your service buddy!
Congratulations John! You got out of the Army on my 10th Birthday, small World, lol.
Congratulations! Definitely something to celebrate and thank you for your service!
Great story bear, Would of been terrible surviving Vietnam just to die from head injuries driving home😉

Thank You Jim!!
LOL---It wasn't that bad, but I couldn't sleep with all the bouncing off the Window!!


Congratulations Bear! Thank you very much!

Thank You Bill !
Appreciate that !!

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