Another 50th Anniversary
Yesterday was the 50th Anniversary of one of the Best Days of My Life.
My “ETS” was May 15, 1971. For those without a Military Background, “ETS” means “Enlisted Time Served”.
That Means You’re getting Out of The Army on that Day!!!
So Mrs Bear & I left Ft Hood, Texas at about 7 AM, in our 1969 Coronet 500 Dodge, and began our 1735 mile trip to Quakertown, PA.
We stopped in Texas for Breakfast, and we stopped to buy a Revolver, while we could still get one for a good price.
Then we resumed our trip, stopping only for Gas, and to eat, and a couple of times for Coffee To Go.
The whole trip took us 23.5 hours. I left Mrs Bear drive for about an hour, and she wasn’t used to Power Steering. After banging my head on the passenger side window enough times, I told her to pull over, because I could sleep a lot better when I’m driving than when she was driving. LOL
So this day fits right in with My other “Best Days”, like:
The Day we got married——December 27, 1968.
The Day our Son was born——January 31, 1972.
The Day I left Vietnam——August 19, 1969.
I don’t rank them in order, because they were all #1 in My Book.
Glad to still be around to tell you all about it,
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