Everybody knows that there are a bunch of truly good people in this forum. Tracy and I have been blessed in many aspects of our lives and one of those blessings is some very good friends I've made here. Well, this post is all about one of the most thoughtful and caring gifts we have ever received. Earlier in the week I kept getting notifications that UPS was scheduled to deliver a package. I kept scratching my head because I had not ordered anything. It showed up as UPS said it would and I was totally perplexed wondering what it was. I looked and looked for a return address or some shipping info. There was nothing. Not even a clue who had sent it. I opened the box and on top was a note from the sender which I read immediately....and went kinda weak in the knees. I've never read anything so heartwarming or touching in my life. Under the note were two boxes so the smaller one on top came out first. Then the second one came out and I almost lost it. Everything was set on the counter for Tracy to see when she got home, all of still in the boxes. I knew as soon as I saw the second box she was gonna break down and cry when she saw it....and I was right.
Here is the note. I was not gonna post it because I honestly believe that the praise is a bit too high and somewhat undeserving. Tracy said I must post the note because "it came deep from the heart of the person who wrote it". As usual, she wins.
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So here is the first box. I have absolutely no idea what this is or what it's for.
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The second box (2 pics). I'm thinking that somebody hijacked my avatar picture. Note that it in the shape of a dog's paw.
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Didn't take long to figure this out. Several pics with the different lighting. As you'll see, some of the colors just aren't conducive for a fat dog
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Here is a pic of Bianca at Christmas a couple years ago.
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And here she is yesterday hamming it up for the camera. She does love to get her picture taken.
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There is no doubt that she is the center of our existence. Just the sweetest little thing on the planet. To have received a gift like this is beyond what I'm able to convey. The thoughtfulness is simply mind boggling how somebody could come up with this. As was stated ion the note above, just saying "thank you" isn't enough but it's the best we can do because we don't know who you are. From the bottoms of our hearts...THANK YOU!!
Robert, Tracy, and Bianca.