Looks good Big Casino! I picked up some wheat gluten - gonna give that a try without the bran. Hopefully it turns out as nice as yours.
Dave the Milk that is left is the best Milk that I have ever drank. It has small pieces of the Butter in it. I get it real cold and drink away. It is so good..Roller, morning.... Is the whey that is left, real buttermilk ??? Buttermilk biscuits are in order... or some kind of cheese with the whey....
It sounds like you're just adding too much flour. Try aerating your flour before you scoop it. A cup of flour can weigh anywhere from just under 4 oz. to upwards of 7oz, all depending on how packed down it is. If you have a scale, try for about 30oz of flour. If not, like I said, aerate the flour by sifting or shaking the canister. Then LIGHTLY scoop and scrape the top of your cup level. Chances are, you'll have a too wet dough. This is fine, actually preferable. Then just add flour a tablespoon at a time until it JUST pulls away from the bowl of the mixer. You want your dough to stick to your hands, your board, the bowl or what have you, but easily pull away. Think of the adhesive level of a Post-It[emoji]174[/emoji] note.So I've tried this recipe a couple of times...I'm not using Bread Flour as I just bought a 10lb bag of AP. I'm having trouble with a dry dough...I sprinkler water as it mixes to allow the mixer to do it's thing?
I cannot get a rise out of the dough? Is it the flour? If it is, easy fix. Each time I followed the recipe to a T except I add the Vital Wheat Gluten. The taste is amazing and the the dough makes the world's best cinnamon rolls!!! The loafs themselves aren't bad, and the do have a good texture?!
Thanks for posting!
Thanks for the reply's guys!try for about 30oz of flour.