Advantages and disadvantages of the different styles of sausage stuffers

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Original poster
Dec 24, 2010
Queensland, Australia

Very new to the forum and almost as new to the smoking scene. Have been browsing the forum and have to admit, the thought of making one's own sausages if quite tempting.

I have been looking online to see what sausage stuffers are available down under, and there appears to be three basic varieties.

The most common stuffer I see on this forum is the vertical stuffer. Other designs I have seen is one that is horn shaped and finally one that is horizontal.

Might I ask the wisdom of the forum and enquire as to the benefits and disadvantages of the different styles of stuffers?

Well fist off welcome to SMF there Lupus. For youe stuffers I have used my grinder the first few times. Then I got my current vertical stuffer as a present and it's a great stuffer. It works great so I would have to recommend it for stuffing sausages.
When I first started making sausage I was using the attachment for my kitchen aid meat grinder.  The meat grinder works great, but the stuffer attachment turned the fat to mush, making the texture of the sausage less desirable.  I bought a 5lb vertical stuffer from Gander Mountain and the thing works great.  I just made a batch of sausage a couple of days ago and it turned out perfect.  I will have photos up soon! 

I have never used one of the horn stuffers, but a guy that I work with uses one and he turns out some pretty good meats.
I also started with the KitchenAid and now have a 5# LEM and am very happy with it
The horn is crap.......its about the usless piece of engineering. had one that was cast and the meat came out the back more than it went out the front. returned the unit and bought a shiney stainless steel one and it was crap. returned it.

and what everyone said before me is good info is reader supported and as an Amazon Associate, we may earn commissions from qualifying purchases.

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