Very new to the forum and almost as new to the smoking scene. Have been browsing the forum and have to admit, the thought of making one's own sausages if quite tempting.
I have been looking online to see what sausage stuffers are available down under, and there appears to be three basic varieties.
The most common stuffer I see on this forum is the vertical stuffer. Other designs I have seen is one that is horn shaped and finally one that is horizontal.
Might I ask the wisdom of the forum and enquire as to the benefits and disadvantages of the different styles of stuffers?
Very new to the forum and almost as new to the smoking scene. Have been browsing the forum and have to admit, the thought of making one's own sausages if quite tempting.
I have been looking online to see what sausage stuffers are available down under, and there appears to be three basic varieties.
The most common stuffer I see on this forum is the vertical stuffer. Other designs I have seen is one that is horn shaped and finally one that is horizontal.
Might I ask the wisdom of the forum and enquire as to the benefits and disadvantages of the different styles of stuffers?