I been doing several small batch chili recipes trying to come up something I can call my own. Have not had much luck creating something I really like. Kind of just been combining recipes. Today I though would try a different approach. Planned on using a slow cooker and start with a basic recipe using Williams seasoning packet than taste and adjust over several hours. I had some course ground beef that I re-ground than just sprinkled a little at time into hot cast iron pan to get good browning. Took about 6 times for 2.5 lbs beef. This worked great to get browned nicely. About every 45 minutes tasted than added what I thought it needed from some of my home made green hatch chile powder to who knows what now. I added several things and don't have a clue to what and how much I put in there? Just added a little of this and that at a time trying not to overwhelm anything. It came out very good but could never copy it but maybe I don't need to. I think this is a good approach and more enjoyable cook. I still wish I would of took notes which is something I am bad at!
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