I love lamb. I'm pretty much the only person in my immediate family that loves lamb, but I couldn't pass up the price of a nice leg of lamb at my local sprouts store. I wish I had taken before and after pics, but the after says it all. My rub was a simple garlic powder/onion powder/dash of cayun powder/dash of black pepper/kosher salt rubbed on after a bath in evoo. It was just absolutely amazing! I smoked it in my MES to 148 deg at 230 and I was worried that I had over smoked it, but it was absolutely awesome! I used my Amazn with cherry dust and I have to say that cherry is the only wood I will smoke lamb with ever again! Amazingly delicious and my wife whom doesn't really like lamb said it was really tasty if you can believe it!
Here's a couple of pics of our amazing dinner tonight! Again, I'm sorry for not having a before and after shot.
Sorry for not posting the smathering of mint jelly on the beautiful lamb for the coup de gras! Hope you enjoy!
Here's a couple of pics of our amazing dinner tonight! Again, I'm sorry for not having a before and after shot.
Sorry for not posting the smathering of mint jelly on the beautiful lamb for the coup de gras! Hope you enjoy!