Made this little guy out of a stainless walmart stock pot and a couple stainless mixing bowls off Amazon.
Bottom cut out just like a mini WSM
Used a smaller mixing bowl for a water pan/drip pan. Had to add some stainless strap to hold the top on.
Keeps the top nice and snug!
I got the top and bottom grate on Amazon as well.
Only takes a couple chunks of lit coal to get started.
I did a test run and was more than impressed at how well it performed. It will get to temp in 10 to 15 minutes and temp control is a breeze. It ran for 12 hours at 225ish before I checked to see how much coal was left. I was surprised it only burnt about half the coal, so I gave it a quick stir and closed it back up. This little thing will run pretty much as long as you want and uses very little fuel. Its all stainless except the aluminum dampers. I know its small but it will fit a whole chicken on the top and 4 or 5 thighs on the bottom. Gonna throw something on it this weekend and see what happens.