What is going on with SMF lately?

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I remember it like it was yesterday. I was a relative newcomer to the style of cooking we all know and love as "smoking". I'd done a couple of basic things with varying results when I stumbled into this place looking for tips.
I tried my first ever pastrami smoke on the Weber Kettle. And it wasn't going well. I was freaked (sure it's only food, but I didn't want my time and money to have been wasted when I really REALLY wanted some pastrami), it was late at night, and I had no freaking idea what to do. I turned to the fine folks here on the SMF. erain, bmudd and ronp stayed with me through the whole thing and walked me through the stall, foiling, etc. Basically they stepped in and "virtually" finished my smoke for me. And it turned out great.

And THAT, my friends, is what this place is all about. We help each other cook. We get ideas from each other on how we can get better (or different) results from our smokes. We even ask for personal help, prayers, advice, whatever. And this place never fails.

I haven't experienced what chisoxjim is talking about, but have no doubt that it does happen. My input would be that if you don't like it here, or don't like someone in particular please keep your comments to yourself ir don't read and comment on that person's posts. Like I tell my kids "If you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all."

Be helpful if you can, complimentary if you feel like it, or say nothing at all.

Just my $0.02
that my friends... and i dont use that f word lightly... is what its all about. i was reading this, dont know what the issues were and dont want to. but my man the dude... he just said it like no one else coulda... and that part about me and others helpin out on a smoke well it really is nothing. see we all have a story like that. mine was bacon, and this fella called desertlites just out of the blue stepped in and long story short helped me make some bacon i was proud of. without him it wouldnt a been. and i remember thanking him and he sorta said something like there will come a time when someone is gonna need or ask for help. if you wanna thank me then give the person a hand. and that has been my motto ever since and if i havent forgotten i pass that along. points to dude on that well said post!!!
I would have to say Rivet was my smoke savior. Not with a particular cut of meat but I had recently bought a sNp and was having terrible issues, the worst was the fire chocking out due to the low charcoal grate, I was nearly ready to say To Hell Wit It! when John gave me tons of great advice on the sNp, hooked me up with a brand new awesome charcoal basket and gave me specs and advice on how to get my unit running wonderfully.
Such a great group of people we have here, that is what makes this such a great site not only for smoking but just an all around great place.
Okay....so I wasn't at my computer today! Ornery!!! LOL! Thanks for reporting my post anyway!!!
Compared to other forums I have been on this one is like Heaven...

Sometimes people say things that is taken in ways not intended but I have not seen any Intentional Flaming or Bashing, (Except Maybe those Teasing Ron about his Yoshidas or Oneshot about his Skunk Spread...LOL), for the most part everyone is very supportive or each other...

The only real fighting I see is by those of us trying to get Jeanie (Cowgirl) to marry us...
I can take the heat Paul it was a lot worse when I posted about curing chicken last year, like "why would you cure chicken thighs?" I did get a lot of #$#$ about Youshidas also.

Most of those posters are gone now.

So be it still a bunch of nice people here.
This is a great site... I used to be a regular, but now just check in now & again...... Answers to any questions you have can be obtained fairly quickly... I appreciate it!... Thanks for all your help!
Just to be clear, and to re-state what I stated in my first post, I enjoy SMF for all the reasons I mentioned and others listed above. Great sight, good folks, and posters.

I only posted originally because I was shocked at some of the attitudes, and posts I was seeing within a short time frame. I have exchanged a few pm's with a moderator, and resolved my issues, and am moving forward.

I'd never be as Happy with BBQ'ing as I am right now without this forum!

Funny enough on another forum I am on, they purposely created a "Flame Wars" thread. I posted this:

From my 6AM startup of a brisket smoke! :D
Dangit, I miss all the fun...I would be willing to bet that that cowgirl person had sumthin to do with it !
I've not seen a lot of flaming on this site. This makes it a bit unusual as far as the forums of which I am a member. I find this to be one of the friendliest forums I have the pleasure in which to participate.

Now, going off topic is another subject. This is an offense to which I fully admit. No regrets. Just trying to lighten things up.
Sounds like most of have a story about somone who stepped in and saved the day. I have been pretty busy within the forum and really havent seen anything bad. I tried a few other sites myself way back when but I ahvent made 2 posts there.I posted about buying my Lang on another site and no one seemed to want to help me with issues. 1 person sent me a PM stating that I shouldnt buy such a cooker if I dont have the experience to use it......HaHahahahahahahah......My second cook on my Lang was my very first whole hog, i was so intimidated that I only invited about 10 people because I was afraid it woudl turn out terrible....It turned out great and not from help on the other site it was from here and the support I have gotten...Crap Im rambling...I miss my Smoke Wagon
I've found this forum to be the best of all forums of all subjects I participate on a day to day basis. Everyone here is nice, there never seems to be any arrogance or trolling, the answers come quick even to the most often asked questions. I'd be hard pressed to find this in some of the other subject forums I go to. You folks all rock, thanks for making it a pleasure to be here.
This place is "GREAT"!!!!!!!!!

I only had one problem with one person and it was handled very well by our mods. For the number of different posters from different areas we all seem to get along fantasticly!!!! I have recieved so much help from people here that it boggles my mind. I really can't say enough good things about this place and I'm constantly telling other people interested in smoking to join here.
And who didn't like my "Skunk recipe"????? LMAO
Carpetride enters with his basket of rotten tomatoes....wait what is that? He has a potato gun as well!
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