Weber Kettle Lid!?!

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Rafter H BBQ

Epic Pitmaster
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Jun 18, 2013
S.E. Idaho
Hey all, been cooking on a Weber for years... My son recently requested a Weber for his birthday...

Some noticeable difference in the lid of my old kettle and his new one. Almost like they put a heat disbursement on the new one! Anyway, just my observation!

Your thoughts?


My old faded lid handle!


His new Weber lid!
Definitely looks like a heat deflector to me. I wonder if the Vortex had anything to do with the change? I've got the same old handle as you, Justin. Never had a hot handle until I used the Vortex for the first time. Grabbed it bare handed and screamed a bunch of punctuation marks!

That was my thought as well Ray! I really do think the vortex had some play in the handle difference! I literally felt your pain as I did the same... I was sure I branded my hand with a Weber emblem!
I don't think it is a vortex driven change.
I rescued a 90's vintage kettle off the curb a few years ago.
It had broken wooden handle on the lid and none on the kettle.
Local Lowes had the tool hook hanger plastic handles for $1- so i got two. Works great on the kettle handle and love the utensil hook. Tried on the lid and wow it got hot, yelping hot as noboundaries noboundaries described in his post.
I don't use a vortex. Most of my grilling is piling coal in a corner.
Went back to broken wood handle on the lid and no problem with hot handle.
One of these days, I will make a new wooden handle for the the lid.

Anyone want the tool hook hanger plastic handle? is reader supported and as an Amazon Associate, we may earn commissions from qualifying purchases.

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