Just a little feature and clearing up what may be confusing. So you can upload pictures a few ways depending if its a file from your computer or from a site like Flickr. So if your using the IMG tag you can just put it in with the text. You can use the picture icon
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Then paste the url in the box that pops up.
But if you want to upload a bunch of pictures from your computer you can either click "upload a file" below the text box or click and drop them in the text box.
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Here is where I think this is a cool feature. Once you have attached all the picture you want they will show in a box below the text box.
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What this allows you to do is type your thread then just go to this box and click on either full image or thumbnail and it will insert the picture right where your typing.
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So like I said this is a cool feature in my opinion. I hope this helps and doesn't confuse anyone.
Also if you do not insert the images into the text then it will just show the file as an attachment instead of inserted into the text.