This Girl is suffering from a serious BACON DEFICIENCY!!!! Proof eating meat makes you smarter...

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chef jimmyj

Gone but not forgotten. RIP
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May 12, 2011
I was watching this Pig Roasting video on Youtube. l then made the mistake of reading the comments. Wholey Smokes! This type of people crack me up. I posted a genuine reply and the whole deal went quickly into the Twilight Zone. I could not help messing with this girl mixing a little BS, no l don't have farm animals yet, with reality! A bit long but amusing...JJ

Alicia Natalie1 day ago

You psychotic people. Humanity is pure evil


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ChefJimmyJ16 hours ago

Why watch a pig roast video and comment as you did? I'm sure there are how to make salad videos around for folks like you.


Alicia Natalie16 hours ago

That's like abusing a dog and when someone comments saying "why look then if it bothers you". And what age are you living in that you think if people don't eat meat all that's left is salad? So all you ever eat then is dead animals? You never eat rice, grains, corn, fruits, sprouts, legumes, nuts, seeds? That's weird because even when I ate the flesh of thinking feeling individuals who wanted to live, I consumed the remains of their suffering with rice, pasta, chips/fries or potatoes and vegetables, ya know plants the things we need to survive, the stuff we season dead flesh with for it to taste bearable when we don't rely on pure salt

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Alicia Natalie16 hours ago (edited)

That poor baby. I can't believe we do this to them, I'm so sorry to other animals for having to live exist in a world with disgusting humanity. The way there's happy fun music playing over this video is chilling, when you can still see the suffering on that individuals face. It's like The Hills Have Eyes. Omg the expression on their face. Not that intelligence should matter, a pig is as intelligent as a 3 year old human child, and can play video games designed for chimpanzees. They're social and can hold abstract thoughts. They're very social and complex. Then some people come along and take their whole life away out of greed and for pleasure. With all the abundance of food we have available to us, we still steal the lives of these beings have done nothing wrong to us. They trust us and we betray them. And "folks like me" are becoming more and more, as humanity becomes more advanced and less barbaric we stop doing cruel practices like this. One day this video will be a chilling example of how humanity used to be

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ChefJimmyJ15 hours ago

Salad, Mushroom Risotto, Root Vegetable Confit, White Bean Chili. It's all out there for you to enjoy. Why torture and upset yourself watching this video? There is not a single argument or statistic that would persuade a pork lover to stop eating their beloved Bacon or any other part of a pig.


ChefJimmyJ15 hours ago

Vegans are so quick to condemn meat eaters for taking a life. Is a cabbage any less a life than a video game playing chimp? A carrot shows a similar aura to that of a human using Kirlian Photography. Are you so sure that carrot does not feel pain as you rip it from the nourishing bosom of mother earth?


Alicia Natalie15 hours ago

Why torture animals


Alicia Natalie14 hours ago (edited)

I don;t know you tell me is it any different slitting a chimps throat than it is cutting a cabbage. If you are saying that cutting a chimps throat is the same as cutting a cabbage, and that both of those things should evoke the same reaction, and that that makes it ok, then m=by that same logic it's ok to do to a human cuz cabbages.Just to clarify, as any 5 year old would be able to tell you, plants are not sentient. I really hope you don't think a child torturing an animal is the same as a child eating a cabbage. "Vegans are so quick to condemn meat eaters for taking a life" the same as most meat eating humans are quick to condemn those who harm dogs, babies, children etc. Why wouldn't I condemn those who harm sentient beings who have done no wrong. We send people to prison for much less. "A carrot shows a similar aura" I'm not into pseudo science crystal ball stuff so I have to disagree that a carrot has an aura and that therefore cutting a carrot is the same as cutting sentient beings throat. If someone killed me I wouldn't be like "oh it's fine people cut carrots all the time and they have auras". I live in reality. I'm not saying you shouldn't have your spiritual beliefs if that's what you're into, because that's your personal choice. Killing a sentient being who wants to live for pleasure however, is not. And in your response you focus all your attention on 'vegans condemning meat eaters' as opposed to humans having compassion for animals. Nowhere do you talk about the experience of the animal. Just how victimised you are by vegans. The only victims are those individuals being brutally slaughtered by people who want to not only do that, but also have every one tell them what they're doing is fine and that they're doing nothing wrong, so they can feel like a good person. That's called adding insult to injury, or wanting your cake and eating it too. One of those. That's not to say I'm automatically a good person because I'm vegan, of course not, just like not killing humans doesn't make you automatically a good person.

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Alicia Natalie14 hours ago

In fact, watch a video called "man" by steve cutts, and look at the likes to dislikes ratio. Everyone knows humans destroy, exploit and cause pain and suffering for their own pleasure and gain. They only deny it when talking to a vegan. In reality we all know humanity is evil and selfish, we just don't like admitting when talking to someone who doesn't partake in all the same evil that we do, we only like to admit it when we feel like it's a fair playing field and we're all equally evil. Otherwise we feel guilty and accused. But why feel guilty about something you can stop doing at anytime. Just to keep your head in the sand so you don't have to make change or question your beliefs. Nah...might as well just pretend it's just vegans that are being out of order. Don't think about the animals experience don't put yourself in the animals shoes, just focus on the vegan.

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ChefJimmyJ7 hours ago

Any 5 year old can tell you a carrot is not sentient? Why, because it did not try to run, cry out in pain or bleed? No because their teacher, parent or other, told them carrots feel no pain, are food and are good for you to eat. Facts are on a molecular level a carrot and pig are no different and you and l really have no idea what a carrot feels. Do plants not have similar desires to animals? The main among them being reproduction and the consumption of energy, air and water to enable growth. There is a need in every living thing to consume energy to sustain life. Herbivores eat plants, carnivores eat other animals and omnivores eat both. Each digestive system evolved to release the energy and nutrients stored in it's chosen food. A cow does not worry if grass has feelings just like a bear does not consider the feeling of a salmon or deer it caught. Only humans equate the taking of an animals life with the taking of a human life because like humans they walk, run, frolic in the forest and show maternal instincts as they raise their young. I take no pleasure in the killing of anything and your belief that ALL meat eaters kill for fun and by the most cruel means possible is ridiculous. Yes there are cruel humans that hunt for sport, killing and having no intention of eating the meat. There are people that cause pain to animals and other humans strictly for enjoyment and entertainment. But l am not one of those and don't associate with any. The animals l raise for meat are provided a life far superior to those that are raised on commercial feed lots and even better than society treats the homeless and many veterans that sacrificed life and limb for this country. My animals are provided non-gmo organic feed, clean water, a temperature controlled barn to live in and raise young. They have free range access to pasture, woodland with acorns, hickory nuts, all forms of edible plants and a pond to cool off in if they desire. The animals are treated with caring and respect as they are prepared to be dispatched, not poked, prodded or shocked to get them to move. They are dispatched in a fast, efficient and painless as possible manor each thanked for their sacrifice and providing food for my family. I believe in head to toe consumption and usage of every part of the animal as much as possible. Any part that l or my family do not like to eat is fed to other animals like my dogs, cats and farm animals and please don't equate that with human cannibalism. If a chicken dies in the yard, the other chickens have no problem eating it and show true excitement while picking little bits of meat from pig bones. Thank you so much for sharing your beliefs without reducing thoughtful discussion to name calling and exchange of insults. Have a wonderful week young lady...JJ

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Alicia Natalie7 hours ago (edited)Highlighted reply

In response to the first line, a carrot does not have a nervous system or the faculties necessary for sentience. But let''s say carrots were sentient, the difference is that we need to eat plants to survive and be healthy, we kill animals on the other hand for taste pleasure as we do not need their flesh to survive or be healthy (in fact animal consumption is responsible for many of the leading causes of death). Also if carrots were sentient, you "kill" more plants by eating animals, so the answer would still be going vegan, you would save masses of "plant lives". Finally, if eating a carrot justifies violence and killing towards dogs, pigs, humans and other animals, then you would be fine with some one killing you and your loved ones because "carrots feel pain too"? And is the killing of innocent children worldwide ok then? Seeing as carrots feel pain too? You see harm doesn't justify more harm (again that's if I were to believe that a child slicing an innocent carrot for fun would warrant a trip to a psychologist). Check out a video by bite size vegan called "vegans kill plants" it was made in response to you before you even typed your comment. And to the rest, I'm not reading that essay of you trying to convince yourself that what you do is moral, that's an internal battle I choose not to be a part of (I would read it if you were genuinely trying to reason and get down the truth but I have spoken to literally thousands of meat eaters in the past year and a half and you can tell who is curious and who is just trying to protect their current paradigm, only a few resort to equating violence with eating plants though)

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ChefJimmyJ18 minutes ago (edited)

" We need to eat plants to survive..." Check your science, proto-humans were no smarter than apes before we started consuming meat. I am not sure how you get from the slaughter of meat animals for food with this garbage..." Finally, if eating a carrot justifies violence and killing towards dogs, pigs, humans and other animals, then you would be fine with some one killing you and your loved ones because "carrots feel pain too"? And is the killing of innocent children worldwide ok then? " I never wrote anything even remotely close to insinuating the slaughter of meat animals, or carrots, for food is justification for killing children or dogs. You want it both ways! I take a life for food so l am bad but your taking of a life for food is ok because it does not have a nervous system. BTW, do you grow your own vegetables or shop Whole Foods? Do a little research yourself. Up to 40% of the nations fruit and vegetable crop gets left in the field or discarded because it's not pretty, perfectly shaped and unblemished. Another 10% goes in the trash at the market after people who handle, inspect, squeeze, thump and toss aside perceived inferior specimens causing damage. At least every pig l raise gets eaten. Enjoy your fruits and vegetables, I love fruit and vegetable too. I will just take my lettuce and tomatoes between slices of toast, piled high with BACON! I'm done here. There is a new video on how to snap the neck of rabbits to disconnect their nervous system, before slitting their throats and bleeding them out. After all the Canadian mandate that requires rabbits and chickens be Clubbed until unconscious before slaughter is just...INHUMANE! BYYYYYE Alicia....

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Youtube is great, but the comment section is off limits, for me.  I only read them for a laugh.  The person in question here seems to be  full of self-loathing, that's the only explanation for such uncontrollable anger over other people's eating choices.  Great video though, I'm hungry.
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Youtube is great, but the comment section is off limits, for me.  I only read them for a laugh.  The person in question here seems to be  full of self-loathing, that's the only explanation for such uncontrollable anger over other people's eating choices.  Great video though, I'm hungry.
A reformed Carnivore! What kind of person seeks out what disgusts them to ridicule the producer. I have no interest in Basketball and find it ridiculous that players are paid millions of dollars but l don't feel the need to go to LeBron James' website and judge him for playing...JJ
Great exchange JJ! YouTube comments are always a good read.

For fun, I’ve told my vegan friends that if we didn’t eat animals and other proteins, we would be eating each other.

Were you being sarcastic in your last paragraph about the rabbit video?
Oh Jimmy... You should know better than to feed the trolls!

But when you do- like you did- bring out the BLT's!
After that exchange, Alicia should be on the hunt for a nice big BLT !! 

Nice Job, Jimmy!! 

Well played Chef.

I like to think that many who comment on you tube are primarily looking for a reaction because I don't like the thought that there really are that many idiots out there. Of coarse; I could be wrong in my thinking. is reader supported and as an Amazon Associate, we may earn commissions from qualifying purchases.

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