was at the latin meat market when they opened t7. had flank on sale for $6.99/lb. Saw a nice "thickish one was about 2.5 lb. Had the marinade pre mixed similar to most I've learned on here. Went to open the package and get into marinade in a lb. zip lock. Pulled the steak out and I'll be G'Damned if it wasn't 2 thinner steaks in a package not labeled. So in to the marinade they both go. figure I'll freeze one for fajitas another day.
The question. I know hot and fast. was going to light the smokey joe, but with them so thin am thinking real hot griddle. it'll just be two of us with some tater tots and what not.
Sound ok in thinking?
The question. I know hot and fast. was going to light the smokey joe, but with them so thin am thinking real hot griddle. it'll just be two of us with some tater tots and what not.
Sound ok in thinking?