Results of battery life test with a 20 minute charge.
I think this is probably the most important test everyone should do with their probes to determine if the probe batteries are performing as advertised. It will also give you a feel for how long your probes will last after they alert about the battery.
Serial #, Temp Based Interval Setting, Battery Life (hrs), Start %, Battery life after 10% alert (hrs)
M100006599, 3, 68.96, 80%, 19.2
M100009080, 3, 50.06, 100%, 12.4
M100006601, 3, 53.86, 100%, 13.9
M100006598, 3, 74.43, 100% , 15.9
Two of my probes that have been consistently underperforming did not last the advertised 60+ hours on a 20-minute charge. Since I battery life appears to be proportionate to charge time and TBIS I will be requesting to return those two probes. Probes that last 30% less on with a TBIS of 3 will underperform by as much with a TBIS of 1 where it will be more critical to me. Those same two probes only made it 37+ hours on a 10-minute charge. One other probe only made it 46 hours on a 10-minute charge.
Note - a full charge (stop blinking) provided up to and additional 25 hours.
Results of battery charge test – how long it takes to stop blinking with fully discharged probes.
Serial # , full charge -stops blinking in minutes
M100005699 49.25
M100009080 42.35
M100006601 37.45
M100006598 49.01
Note - the underperforming probes took less time to stop blinking.
Prior to doing the stop blinking test I decided to test the probe charging batteries (original batteries that were included). All read well into the green on my battery tester. However, 1 out of the 4 battery compartments had a stripped screw. Took a while to get it out, a few shavings left behind. Going back in was equally difficult, not sure I got back to the point where the gasket sealed. They are very small screws, seems like a potential issue over time.
Identified what I think is another software bug or at least somehting that generates confusion. When changing the time based interval on the Gateway while the Gateway is turned off, it will update the "Last Seen" Timestamp to the time the change was made. Given that it also continues to show a temperature reading that is from the last time a probe was plugged in, it makes the information displayed misleading and obviously inaccurate because the gateway was not seen. Similar issue with the probes, when turned off (in their charging stations) or fully discharged, changing the Temperature Based Interval Setting will update the "Last Seen" timestamp to the time it was changed in the application.
Upcoming tests:
Gateway battery life - fully charged (left on charge turned off overnight), no probes
Gateway battery life – 4 hour charge, no probes
Gateway battery life – 4 hour charge, 4 probes TBIS = 1
Penetration and distance tests