We are on about week 3 of using these RFX probes. They have done great with grilling chicken and steaks. Have cooked a couple turkeys and they handled those perfectly as well. But we had our first failure last night. The way I do briskets and pork shoulders is to smoke to about 165 degrees F. Then I wrap in plastic and foil to finish. Had high hopes. But when the brisket was wrapped in foil, both probes disconnected from the app. I recorded the process below. Hopefully Thermoworks can chime in. But at this point, the primary reason for purchasing these probes isn't going to work.
The wrapping process:
The failure/punt process:
We we reached final temp and added to the cooler to coast, one of the probes tried to read. But to make matters worse, it lagged behind and was off several degrees. The readings from the Signals probes were spot on with the ThermoPen One.
Side note on wrapping to finish: Wrapped briskets don't have that "Texas" look. In fact, they are pretty ugly. But you will never have a more tender result.
The wrapping process:
The failure/punt process:
We we reached final temp and added to the cooler to coast, one of the probes tried to read. But to make matters worse, it lagged behind and was off several degrees. The readings from the Signals probes were spot on with the ThermoPen One.
Side note on wrapping to finish: Wrapped briskets don't have that "Texas" look. In fact, they are pretty ugly. But you will never have a more tender result.