The Weekend was a Disaster !! (AKA--Missing Bear)
Well folks, Last Friday I was all ready to watch my High School Football team win another game. They were 9 wins & Zero losses on the year, with two games left on the schedule.
Then at about 7 PM our power went off, and stayed off until 4 PM on Saturday.
Then it went off again at Midnight, Saturday Night, and didn’t come back on until almost midnight Sunday Night. In between those times, we couldn’t get internet or Fire TV, because our Server was messed up due to the power outages.
Bear Jr was like a one armed paperhanger, with keeping both his & our generators fueled, and switching over from Generators to PPL.
Meanwhile our Gas Heater back-up went on the Fritz, and wouldn't start, and Bear Jr couldn’t fix it, so I had to call service on Saturday. They needed a part, so the Gas part of our Hybrid Heat System won’t work until at least Wednesday.
Also my new “Inogen 1, Generation #5 Oxygen Concentrator” wouldn’t charge the batteries, so I had to keep the electric power going all the time, so I could continue to breathe. I called them, and they said it sounds like the Charging Port went bad, but it’s still under warranty, so they’re shipping me a brand new basic unit, and the UPS guy will remove the new one from the box, and put mine back in that same box & get it back to the company. That should be here by Tuesday or Wednesday.
So finally on Monday Morning I got to watch my High School Football team win another game “Quakertown 50, to Harry S Truman 6”. So the only game left is our annual Thanksgiving Day game with Mrs Bear’s Alma Mater “Pennridge”. And then any State Playoff games they play, to as far as they can go. So far Quakertown has scored 357 points, and only given up 84, in 10 games. (one by forfeit) [Average per game---36 to 8].
So Bear with me while I catch up on those 4 days of being missing from SMF.
Thanks Guys,
BTW: After all that, Mrs Bear and I still managed to get our "Moderna" Booster shots on Monday.