That plate is money . I can't do broccoli . Like the taste , can't stand the texture . I'm trying to like it . I'll have to try the skillet method . Is that a Ramsey pan ? Bought my Son one for Christmas . Hex clad maybe ? Flat bottom wok .
thanks jcam, glad I could make the phone tasty good, and hope you get feeling better soon!I'm on a super bland toast and egg diet for a couple days due to severe gastritis. I'm literally about to lick my phone on those pics!! Lol, Seriously all looks great.
I do feel lucky to have to option for the point cut and thanks KB!Looks great. Wish I could find points here. Only packers or lean flats.
Much appreciated Chop! Yea if broccoli is just boiled to a soft texture, it's a hard pass for me! This has a bite to it but not a crisp bite, but it's not cooked to baby food!That plate is money . I can't do broccoli . Like the taste , can't stand the texture . I'm trying to like it . I'll have to try the skillet method . Is that a Ramsey pan ? Bought my Son one for Christmas . Hex clad maybe ? Flat bottom wok .
Many thanks sandy! I was a windy and cold day so glad the RT is still doing its thing no matter what mother nature says...WOW! that looks great from start to finish! great work my friend! great find on the point, looks like a real nice one for sure.
Looks wonderful! Well done!Working I the sides…..the wife’s baby roared Yukons! Just finishing the oven roasting!
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Next up is the taste bud reset greens!
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All rested and ready to slice……beef jello!!!
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Oh man!!!!
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This brisket is on POINT in every sense if the word!
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And after 11 hours here is the plate!
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The money shot!!!
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Thanks for joint the din din and helping me make my “point”. The message from the fam is dry brine forevermore! My wife even has a hefty slice with shocked me cause she doesn’t eat brisket!
Many thanks schlotz!Simply excellent, I'd grab a plate of that anytime! POINTS.....
Thanks TKid! We have enough for one more set of leftovers…..the boy says he has something up his sleeve to use them…..I’m excited I like his meal ideas!Yeah, I love brisket! Those leftovers look great but that plated money shot is just perfect! Very nice.