I've had numerous issues trying to keep a low temperature on my 18.5 inch WSM. The temp would hold where I want then would start to go up or down. I'd adjust the vents to try and bring it back to where I want it to be. It's be awhile since I have done a smoke due to family medical issues, but my WSM is still fairly new as I have done about 6 smokes with it.
The temperatures have seemed to run hot because what I thought would take several hours to do was done in much less time. Do I need to adjust all vents or just maybe 1 or 2 to maintain the proper temperature. I've also posted some questions with the TVWBB previously. Any assistance is very appreciated.
The temperatures have seemed to run hot because what I thought would take several hours to do was done in much less time. Do I need to adjust all vents or just maybe 1 or 2 to maintain the proper temperature. I've also posted some questions with the TVWBB previously. Any assistance is very appreciated.