Tracy had been out of town for 4 days visiting her 85 year old aunt in Wichita. Neither of them cook so it was restaurant fare for her the entire time. After basically living on the road in hotels and eating in restaurants for 11 years as a federal bank examiner for the FDIC, she pretty much loathes the thought of restaurant food. I thought it'd be nice to cook something simple and basic but home-cooked goodness: her favorite steak and some sort of a corn based side dish. Being a Midwest girl, she does love her corn
Needed to keep it simplistic because it was HOT!! Had my instant read thermometer sitting on the counter out on the patio....and I mean just sitting there...and it was reading 112 degrees.
So the steaks...6 ounce rib eye cap steaks. The 103 rib sections I get come cap-off so I don't get that part of the meat. Have to order them online but they are far and again Tracy's favorite. Only 2 in the pic but I actually had 3. Already opened one before thinking to take the pic.
Seasoned up with a little of that insane spice blend I put together a few weeks ago
Onto the grill. These are small so they are gonna cook fast
Only took about 4 minutes but done and into the house
Corn salad with Ro Tel tomatoes, mayo, sour cream, oregano, salt, pepper, and orzo. This actually came out REALLY well.
Steak(s) and corn salad plated up with a loaded baked tater and out to the patio...of course. Looks like I nailed these.
Close up of the steak
These little steaks are incredible. So tender, flavorful, and succulent. It's a shame I can't get them wholesale or that's probably the only steaks I'd keep on hand. They are that good. The only issue is that you really have to watch them. They cook real fast. A small steak is far more difficult to cook than a large one so gotta pay attention. Only thing that was left over was a bit of the corn salad which Tracy had for her lunch the next day. All in all a very good meal for something so quick and easy. Most important is that she was happy having a good steak and not having to eat in a restaurant again
Oh well....gonna call this one done finally. Not one of my best presentations but I was happy with the way the steaks came out looking so thought I'd share. Take care and keep those amazing threads coming. Some truly great stuff recently.
So the steaks...6 ounce rib eye cap steaks. The 103 rib sections I get come cap-off so I don't get that part of the meat. Have to order them online but they are far and again Tracy's favorite. Only 2 in the pic but I actually had 3. Already opened one before thinking to take the pic.
Seasoned up with a little of that insane spice blend I put together a few weeks ago
Onto the grill. These are small so they are gonna cook fast
Only took about 4 minutes but done and into the house
Corn salad with Ro Tel tomatoes, mayo, sour cream, oregano, salt, pepper, and orzo. This actually came out REALLY well.
Steak(s) and corn salad plated up with a loaded baked tater and out to the patio...of course. Looks like I nailed these.
Close up of the steak
These little steaks are incredible. So tender, flavorful, and succulent. It's a shame I can't get them wholesale or that's probably the only steaks I'd keep on hand. They are that good. The only issue is that you really have to watch them. They cook real fast. A small steak is far more difficult to cook than a large one so gotta pay attention. Only thing that was left over was a bit of the corn salad which Tracy had for her lunch the next day. All in all a very good meal for something so quick and easy. Most important is that she was happy having a good steak and not having to eat in a restaurant again
Oh well....gonna call this one done finally. Not one of my best presentations but I was happy with the way the steaks came out looking so thought I'd share. Take care and keep those amazing threads coming. Some truly great stuff recently.