As a first time smoker, long time lover, I woke up at 4AM today, and threw some B&B lump charcoal on my modded ECB and threw my coal chimney on the grill half filled with more coal. Once the coals ashed over,I dumped them in the loaded coal pan and threw about 4-5 pieces of maple on the coals, most around a deck of playing cards size. Around 5AM, I tossed the 10lb shoulder on when my ECB got to 200* but noticed the temps shot up to 350 in a hurry! I labored for about a half hour to get temps down to around 235*F. I think the lump coal and maple really took off when I introduced air by taking the lid off to add the meat.Now I’m worried that because of the temp swings and heavy smoke that occurred originally I’ll over smoke the meat. Also, when planning the party I’m smoking this for, I was going to use a 7-8lb butt, not a 10lb shoulder but that’s what the butcher had. To save time i want to finish in the oven. What oven temperature do you recommend and for how long?