This was my first (and only so far) attempt at a "whole pig"
I wanted to start small to help in the learning process, so I figured I'd do a suckling pig.
Inspiration and Information from Malcom Reed's Video
Meat: Suckling Pig 8-10 lbs. Ordered from here
Trim: very slight inside just a couple membrane layers
Brine: Mix of White Vinegar, Sugar, and Salt for 24 Hours
Rub: Pitfaced Spiicy Rub
Cooker: Pitts & Spitts Maverick 1250
Pellets: B&B Pecan Pellets
Style: Open Smoke with ears and snout foiled to protect
Temp: 225°F
Spritz or Spray: Little Pam towards end to help the skin crisp and color
Cook Time: 6-7 Hours
Rest Time: 30 mins
Pics (comment on top):
Delivered Frozen and Fast
Into the Brine
Rubbed real good with Pitface Spicy
Ears and Snout foiled and underway
2-3 Hours in and checking on it
7 Hours in and done
Plated! Sweet pepper in mouth cause I couldn't find a crab apple lol
Skin removal. Was super crispy and delicious!
Rack O Ribs haha
Final Yield
Final Thoughts:
Having nothing to really base it on as this was my first, and only watching videos and seeing pics; I feel really good on how it turned out! The skin was amazingly crisp and delicious. The pork definitely tasted different than full grown. It had a much softer and supple texture to it. Almost milky? If that makes sense. Which I guess it may, since that's all it ever ate. I did like it though.
Price per pound final yield... wowsers... not really worth doing unless you can source one locally and cheaper. I was impatient to look and found the best deal online I could. I do think it was worth the experience and I greatly enjoyed it, so I'm glad I did it. The Rub had really penetrated and flavored the meat nicely, which again, not much there, but it did its job.
I really want to do a larger specimen next time. Probably in the 40-60 lb range. But I'll take pics when the time comes.
Any Feedback and criticism welcomed. Thanks.
I wanted to start small to help in the learning process, so I figured I'd do a suckling pig.
Inspiration and Information from Malcom Reed's Video
Meat: Suckling Pig 8-10 lbs. Ordered from here
Trim: very slight inside just a couple membrane layers
Brine: Mix of White Vinegar, Sugar, and Salt for 24 Hours
Rub: Pitfaced Spiicy Rub
Cooker: Pitts & Spitts Maverick 1250
Pellets: B&B Pecan Pellets
Style: Open Smoke with ears and snout foiled to protect
Temp: 225°F
Spritz or Spray: Little Pam towards end to help the skin crisp and color
Cook Time: 6-7 Hours
Rest Time: 30 mins
Pics (comment on top):
Delivered Frozen and Fast
Into the Brine
Rubbed real good with Pitface Spicy
Ears and Snout foiled and underway
2-3 Hours in and checking on it
7 Hours in and done
Plated! Sweet pepper in mouth cause I couldn't find a crab apple lol
Skin removal. Was super crispy and delicious!
Rack O Ribs haha
Final Yield
Final Thoughts:
Having nothing to really base it on as this was my first, and only watching videos and seeing pics; I feel really good on how it turned out! The skin was amazingly crisp and delicious. The pork definitely tasted different than full grown. It had a much softer and supple texture to it. Almost milky? If that makes sense. Which I guess it may, since that's all it ever ate. I did like it though.
Price per pound final yield... wowsers... not really worth doing unless you can source one locally and cheaper. I was impatient to look and found the best deal online I could. I do think it was worth the experience and I greatly enjoyed it, so I'm glad I did it. The Rub had really penetrated and flavored the meat nicely, which again, not much there, but it did its job.
I really want to do a larger specimen next time. Probably in the 40-60 lb range. But I'll take pics when the time comes.
Any Feedback and criticism welcomed. Thanks.