Stuffed Dover Sole

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Legendary Pitmaster
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Aug 1, 2018
North Texas, Texoma
Finished up a 3 day fast and thought this would be a good low carb meal to start back on. Was planning on doing in smoker but than thought bringing it up to 400 than a short cook just do in toaster oven and be done.


Went to Aldi and piked up some low carb pasta to try. Thanks tallbm tallbm .


Love these mussels


They have this cream spinach. Froze in individual balls so can just do what you need.

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Looks tasty Brian. Could you post the nutrition label off that black soybeans pasta? I may have to look for that at Aldi.
Looks tasty Brian. Could you post the nutrition label off that black soybeans pasta? I may have to look for that at Aldi.

I was going to try doing cauliflower mash with jicama today. That might not work though. Should of just got turnip. In fact I may go back to store. Doing one of those carver hams thirdeye thirdeye was talking about.
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Finished up a 3 day fast and thought this would be a good low carb meal to start back on. Was planning on doing in smoker but than thought bringing it up to 400 than a short cook just do in toaster oven and be done.

View attachment 518036

Went to Aldi and piked up some low carb pasta to try. Thanks tallbm tallbm .

View attachment 518042

Love these mussels

View attachment 518041

They have this cream spinach. Froze in individual balls so can just do what you need.

View attachment 518040

I think you will love that pasta. Just know it cooks up in like 3.5-4min so don't over cook it thinking it's normal flower pasta. It will have an al dente texture.

If you don't get a chance to post the nutrition labels for Jcam I'm sure I can get around to it at some point :)
Somehow the image did not show up. I know I put it in but here it is

View attachment 518169

jcam222 jcam222 That's for 1/4 box uncooked. The green "Edamame" and the white/red box soy "Spaghetti" are both 7gm net carbs (13gm fiber 20gm Total carbs).

If keeping to 25gm net carbs a day, then half a box + homemade or low carb marinara will take a huge hit against your 25gm but if this is basically all your net carbs then you are good to go. Hell 1/4 of a box (1 serving) will take a big hit too but is more manageable.

I boil half a pack and then eat 1/4 of it with a bolognaise sauce I make from low carb store bought sauce. Eat along with salad and some more meat and you get to a have a little bit of everything and you can do it again the next day.

If you do homemade alfredo you can cut a ton of the carbs from the sauce side. Marinara has more carbs than marinara, I'm sure you know.

If anyone has a good low carb, lactose free, alfredo recipe I'm game to hear.
Fairtrade milk is lowest net carb milk BY FAR so if needing milk to make it then that would be the brand.

I'm all ears :)
So continuing to derail for a bit here. I just looked up how I could do a great low carb, low calorie, lactose-free alfredo sauce.

The solution??? Make my lactose free, zero carb yogurt (assuming its zero carb according to the process and what I read)!!!

With my 24hr yogurt basically all of the sugars have been eaten by the bacteria. I use lactose free Fairtrade whole milk which is lowest in carbs to begin with, lowest in calories, AND.... lactose free to begin with!!!!

Once my yogurt is done and drained I basically use the plain yogurt to make an alfredo sauce. The plain yogurt in place of anything milk or heavy cream related.
Just add in the rest of the alfredo ingredients while cooking and BOOM, alfredo sauce!!!!

Now I just have to buy more milk to make plain yogurt. I was just about done with all of my yogurt experiments but now I can make one last batch and have about 3 quarts plain simply to make alfredo and cream/dairy based sauces :D

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