I just made 10 pounds of SS using 50% venison and 50% ground beef that was 80/20. After I mixed the two together I ran them through the grinder using the small die. I then added the seasoning, cure, encapsulated citric acid. I stuffed it into 1 lb casings and refrigerated overnight. After about a 10 hour smoke to get it up to 160 for the ECA, I chilled it in ice water and then let bloom for about an hour. It taste overly salty and the texture is very fine. My question is should I not use cure and ECA together. Is that what I taste is too much sodium? The cure was in the seasoning packs so I'm sure it was the right amount. I was very carefull in measuring the ECA as I had never used it before. I did add 4 TBS of garlic to the SS seasoning and used beer in place of water. Any thoughts?