Smoker in the frozen north

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Original poster
Mar 26, 2014
New member long time stalker. Always have found the information I need on here to smoke everything I have desired. I live in Lansing Michigan and I am patiently waiting for enough snow to melt that I can reach my Masterbuilt electric smoker and get some meat smoking again, really missing some ribs and chicken. Thanks for the willingness of so many varied pit masters to share their wisdom and recipes it makes impressing the family much easier.
Welcome to the fourm. I hope the weather gets nicer for you to smoke it up. I live in Maryland, and was planning on doing 20 lbs of chicken thighs today. It is raining hard with high winds. I wouldn't bother my meadow creek too much, but it didn't want to be out in the rain. Happy smoking.
After the winter many of us have had around the country I think we all are looking for some more favorable weather to do some great smoking/ grilling.
Yes, We welcome you, thanks for signing up, make sure you go intrudce yourself. 

I too am in the northern latitudes, at the intersection of the Grand River and Hwy 403 in Southern Ontario Canada.  Our snow is about 85% gone, smoker is in the shed, out back of the house, about 30 feet from the edge of the concrete deck out back the house.  My yard is mostly a swamp at this point.

This was taken mid winter, about another foot and half fell since that was taken.

And this one, I took today

Hey Labsrock welcome to SMF Spring is about here you'll be smoking in no time,

Gary S

Welcome to the Smoking  forum.   You’ll find great , friendly people here, all more than willing to answer any question you may have.  Just ask and you’ll get about 10 different answers—all right.  LOL.   Don’t forget to post qviews.


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Welcome to the forum from Lansing Labsrock.     And what a great forum it is to learn the art of smoking everything.

We have a Michigan group here.   

       The largest state group on the site and growing.

If you get a chance check it out and join if you have not done so yet.

We are going to have a get together this year and I hope you can make it.

It’s always nice to see another Michigander here.  Especially so close.

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