Smoked Turkey Breast (Hickory Smoked)
I can honestly say I never did one of these, but since Mrs Bear got it FREE with her “Giant” Holiday shopping points, I couldn’t resist.
I seldom do any Poultry, because that’s one of Bear Jr’s specialties, and he shares with us when he makes some.
So I did a bunch of searching On line, On YouTube, and on SMF, and I came up with my plan.
So I pulled it from the freezer on Tuesday, and decided to Prep it Friday.
It was pretty much thawed, except there was still a solid hunk of ice in the cavity, but I coated it with EVOO, and covered it with a Rub I got from a Buddy of mine. I put it on a Wire Cooling rack, in a foil pan to keep my MES from getting all full of fat drippings.
Then I covered it with plastic wrap, and put it in the fridge for another overnight rest.
NOTE: When I put things on Wire cooling racks in a foil pan, the meat is able to get smoked all the way around, and it doesn’t sit in it’s own fatty juices. If you lay it right in the pan, the bottom doesn’t get any smoke, and the stuff it’s sitting in is considered by many to be “Yucky” stuff. Been doing this with my Prime Ribs for years, and it works Great!
Then Saturday morning the Fun Began!!
8:45 AM———Preheat MES to 240°, and fill two rows of my AMNPS with Hickory Pellets, and light one end.
9:30 AM———Place Turkey Pan on position 3 (of a 6 position Smoker, and AMNPS on bottom rack, on right, with Dumper out 3”.
12 Noon———After 2.5 hours of cycling from 230° to 248°, I sterilized my meat probe & inserted it into the thickest part of the Breast.
12 Noon———111° IT
12:30 PM——-125° IT
1:00 PM———135° IT
1:30 PM———142° IT
2:00 PM———149° IT —Bump Heat up to 275° (From here forward my MES cycled between 271° and 280°)
2:30 PM———156° IT
3:00 PM———163° IT ——-Checked with Instant Therm & some places were only at 157° & 158°.
3:45 PM———All reading were between 166° and 172° IT.
Killed Heat, open door until Temp went down to 100°, & leave in Smoker for 20 minutes.
Pull, Slice, and Eat.
Then the rest is some Great Sammies of cold Breast meat, and a lot more I didn’t take Pics of an a bunch I froze for another time.
BTW: The skin was plenty Crispy, with only a final 1.75 Hours of 275° in my MES 40.
Enjoy the Pics,
One Seasoned 8.81 Pound Turkey Breast on a wire cooling rack, in a foil pan:
Two rows of AMNPS filled with Hickory Pellets, and Lit":
Smoking Nicely & ready to go in my MES:
Through the Looking Glass:
Bonus Pic; New mulch in our Pet Cemetery.
Our babies were:
Shadow--Black Lab Mix for 12 1/2 years.
Bozo--Black & White Kitty for 17 1/4 years.
Perfect Smoke rising from my Top Vent:
All done---Nice Color!!
After resting---Time for slicing:
Two main portions removed:
Nice slices & Crispy Skin:
Bear's first Helpings: Sliced Breast, Pickled Red Beets, and Mashed Taters with Cream of Chicken Soup gravy:
Some MW on a couple of Steak Rolls:
A layer of nice Thick slices of Turkey, with a good amount of CBP:
Close them up & add some Pickle Chips:
I can honestly say I never did one of these, but since Mrs Bear got it FREE with her “Giant” Holiday shopping points, I couldn’t resist.
I seldom do any Poultry, because that’s one of Bear Jr’s specialties, and he shares with us when he makes some.
So I did a bunch of searching On line, On YouTube, and on SMF, and I came up with my plan.
So I pulled it from the freezer on Tuesday, and decided to Prep it Friday.
It was pretty much thawed, except there was still a solid hunk of ice in the cavity, but I coated it with EVOO, and covered it with a Rub I got from a Buddy of mine. I put it on a Wire Cooling rack, in a foil pan to keep my MES from getting all full of fat drippings.
Then I covered it with plastic wrap, and put it in the fridge for another overnight rest.
NOTE: When I put things on Wire cooling racks in a foil pan, the meat is able to get smoked all the way around, and it doesn’t sit in it’s own fatty juices. If you lay it right in the pan, the bottom doesn’t get any smoke, and the stuff it’s sitting in is considered by many to be “Yucky” stuff. Been doing this with my Prime Ribs for years, and it works Great!
Then Saturday morning the Fun Began!!
8:45 AM———Preheat MES to 240°, and fill two rows of my AMNPS with Hickory Pellets, and light one end.
9:30 AM———Place Turkey Pan on position 3 (of a 6 position Smoker, and AMNPS on bottom rack, on right, with Dumper out 3”.
12 Noon———After 2.5 hours of cycling from 230° to 248°, I sterilized my meat probe & inserted it into the thickest part of the Breast.
12 Noon———111° IT
12:30 PM——-125° IT
1:00 PM———135° IT
1:30 PM———142° IT
2:00 PM———149° IT —Bump Heat up to 275° (From here forward my MES cycled between 271° and 280°)
2:30 PM———156° IT
3:00 PM———163° IT ——-Checked with Instant Therm & some places were only at 157° & 158°.
3:45 PM———All reading were between 166° and 172° IT.
Killed Heat, open door until Temp went down to 100°, & leave in Smoker for 20 minutes.
Pull, Slice, and Eat.
Then the rest is some Great Sammies of cold Breast meat, and a lot more I didn’t take Pics of an a bunch I froze for another time.
BTW: The skin was plenty Crispy, with only a final 1.75 Hours of 275° in my MES 40.
Enjoy the Pics,
One Seasoned 8.81 Pound Turkey Breast on a wire cooling rack, in a foil pan:
Two rows of AMNPS filled with Hickory Pellets, and Lit":
Smoking Nicely & ready to go in my MES:
Through the Looking Glass:
Bonus Pic; New mulch in our Pet Cemetery.
Our babies were:
Shadow--Black Lab Mix for 12 1/2 years.
Bozo--Black & White Kitty for 17 1/4 years.
Perfect Smoke rising from my Top Vent:
All done---Nice Color!!
After resting---Time for slicing:
Two main portions removed:
Nice slices & Crispy Skin:
Bear's first Helpings: Sliced Breast, Pickled Red Beets, and Mashed Taters with Cream of Chicken Soup gravy:
Some MW on a couple of Steak Rolls:
A layer of nice Thick slices of Turkey, with a good amount of CBP:
Close them up & add some Pickle Chips:
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