This should take you all the way from start to finish, although, it just occurred to me that you want to double-smoke a ham:
If double-smoke is what you're wanting to do, there's not much to it. Most dry-cured hams require cooking to a minimum of 138-140* internal temp, depending on the producer. If it's a commercially produced ham it will state the minimum I/T on the label cooking instructions.
Smoke low & slow @ ~225* until desired temp is reached. You can glaze with maple syrup. You'll want to use the good stuff on a country ham...real maple don't want to insult it with imitation syrup. Brush on the glaze once or twice along the way, preferably after the first 1/2 of cooking so it doesn't scorch...sugars can scorch at low temps over long cooking times.
Another good glaze is reduced pineapple juice. I've also used reduced lemon juice with maple syrup.
Cooking times will vary depending on smoker and it's convective efficiency, but figure 30 minutes/lb @ 225* to reach ~140 I/T. smoked on open grates and not in a a pan may take longer, and will reduce smoke contacting the surface of the ham which is in contact with the pan. I prefer open grates for EVERYTHING I smoke, whenever possible,
unless the process I'm using, or the food I'm smoking, dictates otherwise.