Smoked brisket worries

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Original poster
Nov 5, 2016
Hi all, I'm sure this has been covered but...I brined a brisket (approx. 3 lbs) for 48 hrs then launched a maiden foray into smoking. Being a newb I'm sure the internal temp of the brisket was nowhere near recommended but it smoked up a storm for around 5 hours. I then finished off the brisket in the oven for about 1.5 hrs. I'm now wondering if the brisket is safe for consumption--don't want to poison the family! Any input on safety of this brisket. Thanks in advance.
I am limited on brisket smoking myself and I am sure there are safe lower tempts, and I am sure others will reply, but from what I have read anything over 160 for an Internal Temp is safe.

It will be more tender at 195-205, but safe over 160 (according to SMF and google)
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Don't recall any of that CrankyBuzzard but we cut into it today and all we could smell was the smoke! Feeling OK about the safety of it now , thanks to you and DoneGotFat but not totally convinced of the taste. Sons have volunteered to taste test but...*shrugs*
I hope you don't bail on us.

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