Hey Bear,
I'm in the middle of making a batch of your beef loaf. I've got a ton of home raised ground beef from last year that needs used up. I need the space in the freezer, so making sandwich loaf would be great! I'm starting with a 4lb batch first to see how it goes to my taste and liking. Your 25lb recipe is ALOT!
I'm at the point of smoking. One thing that I did instead of using pans is that I stuffed the meat in a bagel/English muffin bag to form it while it is curing in the fridge. I has firmed up nicely. So far this is working perfect to get it the shape and size I want to get "sandwich size" slices. The bags are a little smaller than a regular bread bag and I suspect there will be some shrinkage as well.
I did mix everything together well and then ran it all through a fine grinding plate again because I think I would like the finer texture. In fact I almost ran it through the food processor! I'll see how this goes before I make too many changes.
Comments welcome...