Hello everyone. I did my intro on the roll call so let me say that I am a long time griller and I just love to cook and I'm very happy to be here.
Currently I own and use the large Char-Grill with cast iron grates and a side smoker. And a 22.5" Char-Grill kettle. My kettle grill is getting on in years and it's starting to break down really bad. I don't think the legs on it will last a couple more years and it's starting to rust pretty bad. That being said, I've been looking to upgrade to a Weber grill because of it's quality and reputation.
My question is, should I get the 22.5" kettle or the 26.5" kettle? The 22.5" I have now is big enough for our little family dinners of burgers(8), some hot dogs and sausage. All of this I can get on the grill at one time. But if I also do some chicken and steaks I have to do more than 1 cooking. Anything I plan on smoking I do on my larger grill with the side smoker.
So, is the 26.5" that much larger than the 22.5"? Can I get everything(except the steak) on the larger kettle? From what I've read, the 26.5" kettle is good for smoking too, but is the extra size worth it if all I want to do is a few burgers and dogs? And also, do you have to add more charcoal to the larger grill to cook the same amount of meat that you would have on the smaller grill?
I like the extra size of the 26.5" and I also like the built in thermometer and the grill cover holder. But I don't like that it's twice the cost of the 22.5". I know you can purchase a thermometer to add to the 22.5" grill and I think Weber sells an attachment for the 22.5" grill that's a cover holder.
Sorry to go on about this but what do you guys(and ladies) think? The same size kettle as I have now or go to the larger kettle? Thanks for your help.
Currently I own and use the large Char-Grill with cast iron grates and a side smoker. And a 22.5" Char-Grill kettle. My kettle grill is getting on in years and it's starting to break down really bad. I don't think the legs on it will last a couple more years and it's starting to rust pretty bad. That being said, I've been looking to upgrade to a Weber grill because of it's quality and reputation.
My question is, should I get the 22.5" kettle or the 26.5" kettle? The 22.5" I have now is big enough for our little family dinners of burgers(8), some hot dogs and sausage. All of this I can get on the grill at one time. But if I also do some chicken and steaks I have to do more than 1 cooking. Anything I plan on smoking I do on my larger grill with the side smoker.
So, is the 26.5" that much larger than the 22.5"? Can I get everything(except the steak) on the larger kettle? From what I've read, the 26.5" kettle is good for smoking too, but is the extra size worth it if all I want to do is a few burgers and dogs? And also, do you have to add more charcoal to the larger grill to cook the same amount of meat that you would have on the smaller grill?
I like the extra size of the 26.5" and I also like the built in thermometer and the grill cover holder. But I don't like that it's twice the cost of the 22.5". I know you can purchase a thermometer to add to the 22.5" grill and I think Weber sells an attachment for the 22.5" grill that's a cover holder.
Sorry to go on about this but what do you guys(and ladies) think? The same size kettle as I have now or go to the larger kettle? Thanks for your help.