Quest to build the perfect reverse flow conversion NBBD texas new braunsfels

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daryl rue

Original poster
Jun 26, 2011
Wanted to get peoples thoughts on my build idea.  I am using cardboard and tape right now to mock this up.  I got my first welder for fathers day and have been dinking around with my other dinky rf I pasted together.  Bought this one on CL for $100. 

1. from the firebox angle the reverse flow from low point on firebox side to high point on other side.  Idea is that heat from firebox is highest the closest to the firebox so keep that as far away as possible from the grates at that side and gradually get higher for best shot at even heat.  

2. put a straight across steel pate above #1 that would end up being a couple inches from the grate. Idea is that this will be a double insulator so the meat is smoked and not cooked from the heat as much allowing for maximum smoke penetration.  Kinda did this on super mini RF already using double walled fire vent pipe.  Bad part is that I really wanted to put a water pan in there from time to time but I think I can build a slide out charring rack in the firebox and keep water there if wanted. 

3. Cant find a great spot for the vent pipe.  Make a 3/4" x 11" x about 16" piece and mount it to the firebox side of the smoker just above the firebox so you can still open the door.  The idea is that I am anal and figured if I could spread out the smoke inlet / outlet across more evenly it would be best.  Sending it out the back, what does that do for the food on the front left?  It certainly will not be the same as other meat.  I did calculations and the area is 123 cubic inches and the default flute is 106 CI.  I think I will be ok.  Should I make it taller to be safe / make sure I get good draw?

Could this be the perfect build or how could it be improved or am I off kilter on this? I do not have a cutter so I kind of have one shot at this... 

P.S. anyone know where you can get a cheap thermostat to control a fan?  I tried hooking up one that turns off at 250 and on at 220 for $20 but does not seem to work correctly.  
First off, Welcome!
I think the purpose in having a downward-sloping thermal plate is more to keep the heat pushed down and moving slowly.
Without a diagram of some sort I can't even guess how the thermodynamics will play out on one sloping up.
It might only serve make the hot spots worse(faster gas flow) and make the unit harder to clean.
From what I understand, the hot gasses do a lot more cooking than the radiant heat from a solid thermal plate. ( -unless you're within a couple of inches.)

I could be wrong though. :devil:

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Never use more cure no mater if it is Tender Quick or Cure #1 or Cure #2 than the manufacturer says to use, this can be very dangerous.

Tender Quick and Cure#1 or Cure #2 are not interchangeable, neither Cure #1 interchangeable with Cure #2 or vise versa

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  10. A good choice for a remote dual probe thermometer is the Maverick ET-732
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I was thinking the plate going up sounded a little off but i have just not seen it done yet my original thinking was to slope it down a little and have your drain pipe there for easy cleaning or just level like i have seen most.  i like the idea of the second plate, would hold more heat for a more consistent temperatures[font=arial, sans-serif].  as far as the smoke stack, im not sure if it would make much of a difference as long as the stack goes down to the grate, smoke will be all over that chamber no matter what[/font]
I did it.  I figured I could do a last minute slope down if needed.  I will try first without the 2nd tray.  I am going to give it a go here pretty quick.  Was up till 245pm last night and 1pm the night before.  Lost 7.2lbs this week sweating out in the garage!  My biggest worry is the smoke stack did not turn out as deep as I wanted.  Used 3/4" steel for the sides so it ended up only 1/2" deep.  Will post results.  
Perfect.  Couldn't be happier.  Even cooking temps across the grate, great smoke flavor and no problem keeping it hot enough (except when I was stuck in the pool too long and my fuel burned up!).
I did it.  I figured I could do a last minute slope down if needed.  I will try first without the 2nd tray.  I am going to give it a go here pretty quick.  Was up till 245pm last night and 1pm the night before.  Lost 7.2lbs this week sweating out in the garage!  My biggest worry is the smoke stack did not turn out as deep as I wanted.  Used 3/4" steel for the sides so it ended up only 1/2" deep.  Will post results. is reader supported and as an Amazon Associate, we may earn commissions from qualifying purchases.

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