Print my own book

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Master of the Pit
Original poster
OTBS Member
Dec 19, 2005
Beautiful Grand Rapids Michigan
I have been collecting recipes over the years and also some different ways to do things.

I just found a local printer who will take my Word coument and print it in book format!!

I am so excited about it I could burst. He told me it should be around $20 or so he thinks. Currently the book is about 336 pages long.
See I would guess that DeeJayDebi that you either already have done this or made your own printing press and print your own. Well am I close?
Nope none of the above - unless you count the hand bound book project I did in girl scouts like 40 years ago. I like computers they have spell checking!

I just use notebooks or those plasic covers with the screw posts. I'm thinking with those hot glue guns an awl and printers it might not be that hard to do anymore. Although ... laser and inkjet printer pages always stick together after awhile.

Just proud for you Cheech!
Tonto I have been trying to edit the document that I have when I feel like it.

THere currently is around 350 pages so there is a ton there and I have other documents that I wish to add to it. I may just do a print as is version and hand write the changes so that I can mark it up as I get a moment even when I am away from my pc
I too am working on a book with my collections. Have you thought abt publishing it with Adobe and putting it on cd? That is what I am thinking abt. It could also be sold as an ebook, and sent via email attachments as well. All depending on the size, and what the purchaser can receive as email attachment size. That would have to be considered. I have see some sent in like 3 files, so that they can go through with no problem.

I am also doing some of mine with a PowerPoint type program that is able to save the file as an executable file so that it will run on any computer.

Just a thought.

I did think of something like that. I may do something like that however I tend to write notes in my cookbooks and I would not be able to do that as easily. Still not a bad idea
Cheech -

The original can still be kept for editing in say MS Word and just resaved as a PDF. I always have teo copies. The working copy in Word and the saved copy in PDF. I have a about 50 CDs of all kinds of ebooks I've either downloaded or compiled.
What are your thoughts on creating a SMF cookbook with the popular recipes shared on the site?

Not sure if it would work to create some sort of program where we can all insert our own favorite recipes into a web page or something like that.

My wife did something like this for a cook book for our church. I can look around and see if there is still a link for it.

Sounds like a great idea Cheech, alot of times recipes get posted on threads and not in the proper catorgories, and are hard to find.
I created a database with a VB front end. I can search based on ingredients, type of food (mexican, italian etc), ease of prep, type of wood (if smoked), etc. This is all available from my laptop, the girlfriend's laptop in the kitchen nook, or I can print off a selected recipie card/sheet for trips to the grocery store. The only time consuming part is importing it into the database. However, at this point, I have over 400 recipies.

Yeah, I'm a geek :)
Not being a VB programmer. Is this something that we could ask Jeff to place on the forum and have every one enter their favorite recipe? Then I can take it to the printer that will publish the book. is reader supported and as an Amazon Associate, we may earn commissions from qualifying purchases.

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