Thanks Ryan!I really love your addiction! That sandwich dunked in au jus looked awesome too!
Thanks GMC! We opted for this over going to get burgers this week.....Way to go Civil, Those meals look perfect. I've got one in a deep freeze waiting till warmer weather. Probably close to 4 months out before cooking.
Many thanks gator! Just having fun on my days off!You're killin' it Civil!!
Much appreciated jcam! It was mouth watering for sure!Man it all looks great!! That plate with the thick slice though makes my moth water. I have a few of these in the freezer. Definitely on the Christmas menu.
Sorry, like a kid in the candy store and like I said the plan was to go get burgers tonight but the wife added it up and it was less $$ to do this complaints here......oh and since we are home vs being out the Christmas tree is getting decorated early!Dude, you're killing me! Do they have a drooling emoticon? Very nice!
Thanks N! Good luck and best to not experiment on the wife’s B-day.....that’s playing with fire......oven cooked PR is tops too!Looks delicious. Wife's birthday in Sat and we will do a standing rib roast. I'm new at smoking so she probably wont let me smoke it.
Thanks Bear! I'm with ya on PR, its really hard to not like but like you I've had a few at restaurants that didn't live up.....All Looks Awesome, Civil !!
I only ever met 2 Prime Ribs I didn't like, and they were at Restaurants a long time ago!
All of Yours Look Outstanding.
Thanks Al!That’s awesome!
Perfectly cooked for us!
And that Sammie is off the charts!