I I got what was left of the ribs at the store yesterday. They were frozen solid. I took them out of the fridge for small increments of time to speed the thawing before morning. I assumed they would be full thawed by 5am, wrong. By morning the ends were pretty thawed, but the center of the slabs were still a bit hard. I put them on the counter while I got my smoker stoked up. An hour later they were still about the same. Im practicing for an upcoming event that Im cooking in and my plan for today was to simulate the event & get my stuff done in a certain time frame. I put the ribs on still a little on the cool side. I usually put them on at room temp. I went ahead and put them on and well, they turned out tough! Im pretty bummed now since I have been so consistent with my ribs lately. 13 days till the cook off and I feel like Im back at square one!